Grant Recipients
Greta Kroeker, History
Rebecca MacAlpine, History
(Project Timeline: September 1, 2021 - August 30, 2022)
- This project explores how the incorporation of trauma informed care (TIC) and feminist pedagogies (FP) into the university history classroom can support the overall socio-emotional wellbeing and resilience of students learning about traumatic histories.
- Through a combination of innovative assessments and engagements that empower voice, choice, and agency, this course will offer students multiple entry points to engage with the subject of gender-based violence in early modern Europe.
- We will redesign a fourth-year history course to promote higher order historical thinking (Sexias & Morton, 2013) and skill development, with a particular emphasis on the digital humanities, to empower students to “make history.”
- This project will mobilize, observe, assess, and articulate scaffolding mechanisms to provide safe and collaborative learning environments in which to address complex and difficult topics in the classroom.
Questions Investigated
How can history educators teach about trauma-informed subjects, like sexual violence, to support both the socioemotional wellbeing of students?
How can educators support serious historical inquiry through an emphasis on historical thinking skills (i.e., “show your work”) and engagement with the digital humanities?
- Skill-building workshops on a variety of tools (Excel, Transkribus) and methods (constructing a lesson plan, how to teach a concept) enhanced student confidence with difficult and potentially traumatic material in a way that fostered a sense of community among learners.
- Further results will be published at a later date.
Dissemination and Impact
- Students responded well to the supportive and skill-building aspects we introduced based on TIC and FP principles.
- One student, for example, said that they “learned a lot in the workshops about skills that have been helpful across my courses. I liked the teaching one in particular because it really challenged the way I thought about writing history.”
- Another student said that “they enabled me to learn more about a variety of tools that wouldn’t have normally been learned about in a history seminar.”
- The emphasis on digital humanities through digital tools, and, by extension, historical methodologies created a learning space in which students could explore hard topics with multiple entry points.
- A proposal was submitted to present this project's research at the 2023 UW Teaching and Learning Conference.
This project's methods and connection to the SSHRC funded The Artemisia Project will be discussed at the upcoming Toronto International Conference, “Worlds of Conflict.”
An article, that is currently in the editing phase, will be submitted to Feminist Pedagogy, in the future.
We will continue to incorporate TIC and FP in course design and implementation.
This will include a focus on skill-building, the whole learner, and group activities to support community building and reliance.
Many of these components were further integrated into history courses that both applicants are teaching in 2023.
In the second phase of this project, the applicants are interested in designing a series of open education materials for instructors to better be able to integrate feminist pedagogies and TIC into their classrooms.
Carillo, E.C. (2007). “Feminist” teaching/teaching “feminism”. Feminist Teacher, 18(1), 28-40.
Chow, E. N.-L., Fleck, C., Fan, G., Joseph, J., & Lyter, D. (2003). Exploring critical feminist pedagogy: infusing dialogue, participation and experience in teaching and learning. Teaching Sociology, 31(3), 259-275.
Sanders, J.E. (2021). Teaching note – Trauma-informed teaching in social work education. Journal of Social Work Education, 57(1), 197-204.
Sexias, P. & Morton, T. (2013). The big six historical thinking concepts. Nelson Education.