For this session, we asked inspirational University of Waterloo professors to draw us into their disciplines and into the learning spaces they create for their students by teaching us a concept from their own courses. The methods they use are diverse, but the intention underlying them is the same: to engage students in thinking about important disciplinary concepts and questions. After each presenter takes us into his learning space, we’ll have the opportunity to reflect on and discuss the ways in which these methods might be adapted in our own fields and within our own classrooms.
Gordon Stubley

Gordon Stubley is the Associate Dean, Teaching, in Engineering and a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering. He is also the recipient of various teaching awards, including, a UW Distinguished Teacher Award in 2009, and an Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance Award for Teaching Excellence in 2012. Like Jonathan, he also plays a key role in helping his colleagues learn more about teaching, and for such work, he received a provincial Leadership in Faculty Teaching Award in 2007. For Gord, teaching is a way of life, not just an occupation. His commitment to teaching, and lifelong learning, permeates almost every aspect of his life.
Gordon will teach us about pre-testing in his 4th year elective course on fluid mechanics.
Jonathan Witt

In this session, Jonathan will provide an introduction to the concept of sexual selection in precisely the same manner as he does in his third year Evolution course.