School of Planning
Jason Tsang is a third year undergraduate student in the School of Planning, as well as a teaching assistant for Geography/Planning 255. “Jason helps many of his students by guiding their thought processes instead of just revealing the answers,” a citation says. “He not only helped a class of 25 students as the teaching assistant but students from other classes preferred to come to him for assistance.” His course instructor writes: “He was willing to provide students with help outside of the scheduled lab times, and spent considerably more time in the lab working with the students than the teaching assistant position required. His enthusiasm and willingness to help outside of designated class time or office hours were greatly appreciated by his students.”
One student writes: “Jason has always been friendly and easily approachable, as he can always be found working at the help desk for the Faculty of Environmental Studies in Mapping, Analysis and Design Department. He even created a special teaching assistant account on MSN Messenger to increase his accessibility for any course related inquiries.” Jason’s students “love him”, says the citation, “and consider themselves lucky to have him around to help them.”