Jean Andrey has been a faculty member in the Department of Geography since 1989. She has been referred to by students as a “role model that all of us will strive to be like in our future work.” Jean is widely recognized and appreciated by students and faculty colleagues, for the mix of learning methods used in her courses, her energy, enthusiasm and humour, constructive comments, concern for students, accessibility outside of the classroom and conviction that her students “will get it.” She also is recognized as extremely demanding, but fair in her expectations of students. Comments by several students highlight the characteristics that make Jean so appreciated: “It is common to see a long line outside of Dr. Andrey's office … students are so impressed by what they see in class, that there is much competition for her time outside of class hours.” “The greatest impact her teaching has had on me is that I will look a little deeper in whatever I am doing to get a more conclusive answer/solution. Also I will try to find the positive in every situation and to never stop learning.” (Alumnus) One undergraduate student, graduating at this convocation, remarked that next year she will be attending teacher's college, and intends to take with her “some convictions that I have learned from … My friend and professor, Dr. Jean Andrey.” In the student's words, these convictions include: (1) “enthusiasm encourages learning,” (2) “always believe in the best in your students, and let them know their strengths,” (3) “listen and learn from each person you meet,” (4) “keep your door and your life open to students,” (5) “never stop learning,” (6) “think positively and know there is always room for self-improvement,” and (7) “admit when you don't know an answer and use that as an opportunity to excite curiosity and challenge individual investigation.”