Nathaniel Stevens, recipient of the Amit and Meena Chakma Award for Exceptional Teaching by a Student, 2015
Statistics and Actuarial Scinece
Nathaniel Stevens, a PhD student in Statistics and Actuarial Science, is recognized for being “consistently enthusiastic in teaching the material” and “attentive to explaining difficult concepts”. Nathaniel, as a teaching assistant and an instructor for STAT 101 and STAT 202, consistently taught his courses with in an effective and engaging manner. A student writes, “his excitement about the subject radiated every class and truly inspired me to do well in the course”. His students note that his care for teaching combined with his proficiency in the subject allows him to present and teach the material well. His exceptional ability to make the classes relatable and interesting comes from being able to “relate course material to relevant topics to students’ lives and their program”. Many of his students note that his influence extends beyond the classroom as he displays exceptional teaching during his office hours as well. Nathaniel’s deep understanding of the material and dedication to teaching is highly regarded by his students and makes him a deserving recipient.