Anindya Sen, recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award, 2014


Anindya Sen
Anindya Sen, an associate professor and associate chair in the Department of Economics, received support from his students and colleagues pointing out that he was successful in providing extremely positive and lasting learning experiences. As an alumnus states, “Captured in three words, Professor Sen’s teaching is succinct, simple, yet powerful”.  Dr. Sen pushes his students to take their thoughts to the next level and use them in real life applications.  In addition, he creates a comfortable environment for students to ask questions, and he always ensures that students in the class understand concepts before moving on to new material. A student reports that “I never gave much thought to economics before, but because Dr. Sen taught in such an easy to digest and approachable manner, my interest grew”.  Dr. Sen’s teaching style matches real life experiences with what is academically valuable to the students. Dr. Sen was able to lead many of his students to achieve both academic and professional success.