Tracy Penny Light, recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award, 2012

St. Jerome's University, Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies

Dr. Tracy Penny Light is an outstanding teacher, mentor and educational innovator. She began her university teaching career as a member of the University’s teaching innovation team, now known as the Centre for Teaching Excellence. During this time, she mentored professors and teaching assistants and was a founding member of the Teaching Excellence Academy. In 2007, she brought her cutting-edge teaching skills and expertise as a historian of gender and health to the classroom as a professor in the Department of Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies at St. Jerome’s University. She has earned a reputation as a passionate teacher who cares about the success of students and their development as responsible citizens. She is known for her “witty energy that engulfs” the classroom and her efforts to challenge the ideas and stretch the thinking of students. Under her mentorship, students have published ePortfolios, produced a documentary film on inclusivity at Waterloo, titled BeInclusive!, and organized an annual conference on sexuality, marriage and family studies. Dr. Penny-Light stretches the boundaries of the classroom to prepare students for life and careers beyond the university.