Vivian Dayeh, recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award, 2011


Dr. Vivian Dayeh is recognized by her students as a gifted, creative and enthusiastic teacher. She is also a source of inspiration and teaching expertise to her colleagues in the biology department. Dr. Dayeh began teaching in 2005, and quickly established an enviable reputation for being able to effectively engage her students, many in high-enrolment courses. Students are captivated by her genuine excitement for the topics she teaches, her impeccable preparation, and the remarkable clarity of her lectures. Equally important is Dr. Dayeh’s commitment to students outside of the classroom - she is a tireless advocate for her students, attends numerous student-related functions, and is often approached by senior students for academic or career advice. Her dedication to the success of her students has led to her appointment as associate chair in biology – a challenging administrative portfolio dominated by undergraduate curriculum and teaching issues. By any measure, Dr. Dayeh’s impact as a superb teacher has been significant as well as broad.