Course code: CTE732
Description: Blended Learning integrates thoughtfully structured online activities into face-to-face courses. Students engage in online activities such as taking quizzes and contribution to discussion forums, and interact with online course materials such as lecture notes, screencasts, and simulations. These online activities and resources contribute to student success in several ways: they can help prepare students for class discussions or lab experiences; they can promote understanding of challenging course concepts; they can assess students’ retention of course concepts and skills; and they can foster a sense of community within the course.
Learning Outcomes: After the session, participants will be able to:
- describe different kinds of blended learning
- identify the advantages and challenges of developing and teaching blended courses
- identify the technological tools available for designing and creating content and activities for blended courses
- align the intended learning outcomes, assessments and teaching and learning activities
- create a plan for implementing a blended task and/or a blended course
Additional Resources: