Course code: CTE736
Description: ePortfolios are both a tool and a learning process for deepening student learning. In their ePortfolios, students select evidence of their learning, reflect on that learning, and make connections between their courses, and between their academic work and other learning experiences. In many programs, students also draw connections between their academic work and the specific competencies that the program has targeted. Administrators can also use student ePortfolios to assess the effectiveness of their curriculum. This session will explore the pedagogy behind ePortfolios by approaching them as both a process (that facilitates learning) and a product (that the student can showcase).
Learning Outcomes: After the session, participants will be able to:
- explain how ePortfolios can enhance student learning
- describe how ePortfolios can contribute to a student's career success
- discover how ePortfolios might be be integrated into their courses and/or program
Additional Resources:
- Presentation (PDF)