Graduate Supervision Series for Faculty

Since 2015, CTE and the Office of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) have offered a series of workshops on graduate supervision practices, primarily for those seeking Approved Doctoral Dissertation Supervision (ADDS) Status. The Graduate Supervision Series will be offered twice a year in a blended format. The in-person sessions will be the first and last Friday in October for Fall term and the first Fridays in February and March for the Winter term offering.

We use GoSignMeUp for registration; first sign in with your UW login credentials, then sign up for the full workshop. We will add you to the LEARN site for the workshop and its modules. Questions can be directed to Trevor Holmes


Introduction: how to navigate the modules, initial reflection on supervision. Online

CTE 9801 Supervision at Waterloo: the relevant policies and practices (Associate Dean, Graduate Studies Office) Blended

CTE 9802 Recruiting doctoral students, matching research interests and honing questions, the research supervision life cycle. Includes a panel of experienced colleagues (Experienced faculty members, Associate Deans) In-person

CTE 9803 Meeting with supervisees (Conflict Management and Human Rights Office) Online

CTE 9804 Guiding writing and research with ethics and integrity (Office of Research Ethics, Writing Centre, Academic Integrity Office) Blended

CTE 9805 Intercultural and gendered interaction: working with students and co-supervisors in the context of cultural and gender diversity (Equity Office, Centre for Teaching Excellence) Blended

CTE 9806 Next steps: Getting to the defence and beyond, career support, providing references for various job markets. Includes a panel of experienced colleagues. (Experienced faculty members, Associate Deans) In-person

Questions? Email

This workshop will appear in CTE's registration system, GoSignMeUp, upon completion of all deliverables, and at that point can be presented to your Chair for further action. Please see Item 6 in Organization of Graduate Studies at the Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs website.