Robin Cohen, recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award, 2019

Cheriton School of Computer Science

Robin Cohen, recipient of the Distinguished Teacher Award, 2019
Robin Cohen, a professor at the Cheriton School of Computer Science, is able to keep her students engaged in her lectures at all times; even while talking about the social impacts of technology amongst a class of Computer Science majors!  Cohen has facilitated many group discussions, within large class sizes, and has guided her students through “extremely challenging and controversial topics”. The “dynamic and collaborative learning space” that she creates in her classroom is what keeps her students interested and motivated. As a student noted, Cohen’s teaching methods “proved very helpful in eliminating the sense of isolation in the class and improved our [their] group dynamics”. Additionally, students greatly appreciate the detailed feedback she provides on assignments, as well as how she relates the course content to their own personal experiences.  Cohen, a past recipient of the Faculty of Mathematics Award for Excellence in Teaching, has been described as “passionate”, “knowledgeable” and “caring”. Both her peers and students recognize the hard work she has done over her years of teaching.