Teaching Assistant Training LEARN site

Preparing to TA at Waterloo

Module Description: This module is designed to orient you to your role as a teaching assistant (TA) and prepare you for a successful start as a TA. The module will address topics relevant to all TAs at Waterloo, including an introduction to teaching and learning at the University of Waterloo, instructional roles performed by TAs in different course modalities, and provide you with tips for success and useful resources available for developing your skills. We’ll also help you understand how university policies related to teaching can provide guidance in some situations you may face as a TA, and introduce considerations for academic integrity, privacy, and copyright.

To access the Teaching Assistant Training site in LEARN:

Teaching Assistants who are completing the Preparing to TA at Waterloo module either as a department/faculty requirement, or for their own interest, can add themselves to the Teaching Assistant Training site in LEARN.

  • log in to Waterloo LEARN
  • click the Self Registration link along the top of the System level Navbar
    self registratin in navbar
  • locate the Teaching Assistant Training site in the list and click on it
  • confirm that you wish to register in the course
  • You now have access to the Teaching Assistant Training site in LEARN and can access it from your LEARN class list under "ongoing courses".

Please note, if you enroll for a LEARN site you do not need access to you will have to contact learnhelp@uwaterloo.ca and request you be removed from that site.