Towards an Urban Arts Pedagogy: Exploring Students' Perspectives About Arts-Based Learning

Adam Ellis
Jessica Rumboldt

Project Team

Adam Ellis, Sociology

Jessica Rumboldt, Centre for Teaching Excellence

Project Summary

This research project seeks to explore and understand how urban arts may be utilized as a teaching mechanism to increase engagement in course content and to engage in decolonizing/student-centred learning. In this respect, our project will examine whether students find learning advantages by not only utilizing pre-existing urban art to learn about core theory/issues, but also to express their own insights through artistic expression (e.g., using hip hop as a visual/linguistic/sonic tool to understand and critically articulate how they see the world).


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Hunter, L., and Frawley, E. (2022). Engaging Students Using an Arts-Based Pedagogy: Teaching and Learning Sociological Theory through Film. Teaching Sociology. 0(0), 1-13.

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