Connecting with nature and exploring new cities through co-op
Sam Bycraft, a 4B Geography and Environment Management student enjoyed her co-op term while being outdoors!
Sam Bycraft, a 4B Geography and Environment Management student enjoyed her co-op term while being outdoors!
Natalia Manturowicz, a 2B Pure Mathematics and Teaching student talks about her first co-op journey where she had the chance to work remotely for Centennial College as a math tutor.
By: Nigharika Senthil Kumar| 3 mins
Matthew Olsen, a 3B Honours Arts and Business student majoring in political science, specializing in global governance and minoring in public policy and administration talks about his passion towards political science during his co-op.
By: Nigharika Senthil Kumar | 3 mins
Andrea Chakma, a third-year mechatronics engineering student shares a little bit about her experience at the Royal Bank of Canada and TJX Canada.
By: Nigharika Senthil Kumar | 2 mins
Miila Kai Tuju, a small-town girl from Muskoka pursuing her 4B term of Planning says, “Never be afraid to apply to a city you’ve never been to before.” She never imagined to be working for the federal government out in Ottawa.
By: Nigharika Senthil Kumar | 3 mins
Third-year health studies student Maisha Adil shares her co-op experience and tips on how to stay motivated on your work term.