Saying goodbye to the CECA acronym.
In February 2017, the portfolio of Co-operative and Experiential Education (CEE) was created, consisting of Co-operative Education, Centre for Career Action, CEE Services, WatPD, WatCACE, and Communications and Marketing. For the past two years, CEE has had a very soft launch across campus.
At the end of August, we will formally and officially retire the CECA acronym (Co-operative Education and Career Action) which included two of the units that are now part of CEE. Most of the changes will be happening internally within these units and we don’t anticipate significant impact to stakeholders beyond the portfolio.
So, please join us in saying “happy retirement” to CECA. We look forward to continued leadership in co-operative education, experiential education and work-integrated learning, and to supporting the future of work and learning as the more collaborative and powerful CEE portfolio. If you have any questions (or if you find a rogue “CECA” out in the wild), please reach out to Kari Pasick Stewart.