"Where in the World?!" co-op photo contest 2023

2023 winner selections

Students on international work terms in fall 2022, winter 2023 and spring 2023 shared their photos and stories of their their international experiences.

Winners of "Where in the World?!" co-op photo contest

1st place: Ryan Tang, Hell's Valley, Germany

Hell's Valley, Germany

Weaving practices can be traced back to ancient traditions in India which has permeated into contemporary culture, industry, and politics. The move to establish India's independence from Britain promoted the use of domestic products to establish self-sufficiency and self-rule.

Working at Avani Earthcraft in the Himalayan region broadened my perspective on the impact individuals can have on the community. Avani provides productive and fair employment to over 500 farmers and artisans which is especially important in remote villages due to a lack of economic growth. These artisans produce hand crafted naturally dyed textiles and plant-based pigments. Also choosing to combat prejudices through caste inequality, Avani provides shelter and employment to those facing the ramifications of antiquated and unfair beliefs.

Another current challenge facing communities in the Himalayan region is the recurrence of forest fires which are spread by pine needles that fall during dry summer months in the large surrounding pine forests. These fires destroy biodiversity in an already fragile Himalayan ecosystem and rut human lives at risk. Combating this through engineering biomass gasifiers allows for reducing carbon emissions, regenerates biodiversity, and creates avenues for human prosperity.

Hear from Ryan about his international work experience in Germany.

2nd place: Aryaman Chaturani, Uttarakhand, India

Uttarakhand, India

Weaving practices can be traced back to ancient traditions in India which has permeated into contemporary culture, industry, and politics. The move to establish India's independence from Britain promoted the use of domestic products to establish self-sufficiency and self-rule.

Working at Avani Earthcraft in the Himalayan region broadened my perspective on the impact individuals can have on the community. Avani provides productive and fair employment to over 500 farmers and artisans which is especially important in remote villages due to a lack of economic growth. These artisans produce hand crafted naturally dyed textiles and plant-based pigments. Also choosing to combat prejudices through caste inequality, Avani provides shelter and employment to those facing the ramifications of antiquated and unfair beliefs.

Another current challenge facing communities in the Himalayan region is the recurrence of forest fires which are spread by pine needles that fall during dry summer months in the large surrounding pine forests. These fires destroy biodiversity in an already fragile Himalayan ecosystem and rut human lives at risk. Combating this through engineering biomass gasifiers allows for reducing carbon emissions, regenerates biodiversity, and creates avenues for human prosperity.

All finalist photo contest submissions