Business Administration and Computer Science Double Degree

Program | What you'll learn | Admissions | Co-op | SpecializationsFirst year courses | Graduate studies


Earn two degrees in five years in both computer science and business by enrolling in this unique program. Receive a full Bachelor of Computer Science from Waterloo and a full Bachelor of Business Administration from Wilfrid Laurier University.

What you'll learn

Computer Science (Waterloo) - You will gain an understanding of software, algorithms, programming, and the limits of computation. Using a combination of theory and application, you will learn how to describe problems in a formal, precise way so that machines can solve them. You will also learn about managing large-scale programs, and about understanding the power, limitations, and organization of computer software and hardware.

Business Administration (Wilfrid Laurier) - You will develop a broad understanding of business by taking a variety of courses in all functional areas including those in brand communication, accounting, human resource management, marketing, finance, financial planning, supply chain management, insurance and risk management,
entrepreneurship. You can specialize in any of these areas to focus your studies.


If you are interested in applying to this program, we recommend that you apply to both Waterloo and Laurier to maximize your changes of entry. The program is created identically at each school. You will select your "home school" by accepting your offer from either institution.

Your "home school" will provide you with support for services such as co-op, scholarships, and housing.

*** It is mandatory that you complete an Admission Information Form (AIF) with your application to be considered for this program.


You will be required to satisfy four to five work terms over the course of the BBA/BCS program. The co-op sequence below outlines when you will be studying and working.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
1A 1B * 2A * 2B 3A * 3B





* 4A 4B * 5A 5B
4A * 4B * 5A 5B

F = Fall | W = Winter | S = Spring | * = Work term


You can explore additional areas of interest with your studies by adding an specialization in second year to customize your degree.


Courses (available on our Undergraduate Calendar)

Bioinformatics Undergraduate Calendar
Digital Hardware Undergraduate Calendar
Software Engineering Undergraduate Calendar

First year courses

Course Course code
Introduction to Computer Science/Designing Functional Programs CS 115, CS 135 or CS 145
Elementary Algorithm Design and Data Abstraction CS 136 or CS 146
Calculus 1 MATH 127, MATH 137 or MATH 147
Calculus 2 MATH 128, MATH 138 or MATH 148
Algebra MATH 135 or MATH 145
Linear Algebra MATH 136 or MATH 146
Business BUS 111 and BUS 121

Course descriptions are available on our Undergraduate Calendar

For more information on upper year classes, take a look at our suggested academic plans under our "current students" section.

Graduate studies

Following your undergraduate degree, you can continue your studies through our graduate studies program or you can pursue your Charted Professional Accounting designation.

At Waterloo, you can pursue a Master of Mathematics (MMath) with a specialization in Computer Science and fast track your degree with our accelerated master's program. An Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URA) will allow you to try your hand at research before you apply.

Additional courses through Wilfrid Laurier can provide you with the tools to be successful in the world of accounting by earning your Chartered Professional Accounting designation (CPA).