Program | What you'll learn | Co-op | Careers | More info
Two majors. One degree.
Computing and Financial Management (CFM) is the only program of-its-kind in Canada that allows you to study two majors in computer science and finance and combine that with two years of real-world co-op experience. Learn how to use technology to solve financial problems and apply your skills to the growing field of financial technology.
The financial industry needs qualified professionals who understand complicated financial management concepts and know how to design and create software tools that get the job done. CFM graduates are in demand!
What You'll Learn
Take the same courses as a finance and computer science major!
Computer science – Understand and explore programming, software, algorithms, and the limits of computation. Use these foundations to further explore areas of computer science like machine learning, human-computer interaction, computational mathematics, and artificial intelligence.
Financial management – Finance is about numbers, trends, and new ways of thinking. Gain knowledge in corporate finance, economics, markets, quantitative finance, and much more. Financial management will provide you with technical, analytical, evaluative, and communication skills. Watch our video for more details.

Find out how you'll fit in your studies and two years of co-op experiences with your co-op sequence. See what co-op positions are waiting for you.
CFM graduates command successful and high-paying jobs and they take their experience all over the world in Canada, the United States, England, Hong Kong, and more. They work in technology, finance, and financial technology and demonstrate why CFM is a great program.
Discover where alumni are working and what they do.
More Info
Visit our website for more details and contact us if you have any questions.