President's Scholarships

To recognize your outstanding academic achievement, you'll be awarded one of the following entrance scholarships if

  • you're admitted to a full-time, first-year degree program and
  • you're beginning university or college for the first time in September, and
  • your early May admission average is 85% or more.

No application is required. You must accept your Offer of Admission by the date specified on the offer to remain eligible for these scholarships.


President's Scholarship of Distinction (average of 95% or higher)


  • $2,000 entrance scholarship
  • $1,500 International Experience Award* and/or
  • $1,500 Research Award*


  • Your early May admission average, including required courses, must be 95% or higher for the program for which you’ve received and accepted an offer of admission.
  • You must accept your Offer of Admission by the date specified on the offer.
  • You must be enrolled at Waterloo in full-time degree studies for the entire September to December term.


The $1,500 International Experience Award will be awarded to Distinction Scholars who participate in an international study or work experience.

The $1,500 Research Award will be awarded to Distinction Scholars for an on-campus research position with a Waterloo professor or for a research-based co-op position with the University. You will be invited to find a Waterloo professor to engage you as a full- or part-time research assistant for a term to carry out research under his or her supervision.

Both the International Experience Award and the Research Award are available in your upper years should you choose to claim them. They're subject to the following conditions.

  • You must complete your first year with an average of at least 80%.
  • You must be in your second year or higher at Waterloo.
  • You must claim the award before you complete your undergraduate program.

How you'll be notified

If you qualify, you’ll receive scholarship information with your Offer of Admission in Quest.

  • If you receive a scholarship before May, you must meet all the conditions specified above. Once we’ve reviewed your grades available in early May, we’ll confirm your University of Waterloo President’s or Merit Scholarship. You will be able to view the scholarship information in Quest.
  • If you receive your scholarship offer in May, we will already have reviewed your grades available in early May. You must still meet all other conditions specified above.

In late July, you’ll receive an email with information about how to use the award to help pay your tuition and fees.

President's Scholarship (average of 90 - 94.9%)

If you meet the conditions outlined below, you’ll be awarded a one-time University of Waterloo President’s Scholarship valued at $2,000.

  • Your early May admission average, including required courses, must be 90 - 94.9% for the program for which you’ve received and accepted an Offer of Admission.
  • You must accept your Offer of Admission by the date specified on the offer.
  • You must be enrolled at Waterloo in full-time degree studies for the entire September to December term.

How you'll be notified

If you qualify, you’ll receive scholarship information with your Offer of Admission in Quest.

  • If you receive a scholarship before May, you must meet all the conditions specified above. Once we’ve reviewed your grades available in early May, we’ll confirm your University of Waterloo President’s or Merit Scholarship. You will be able to view the scholarship information in Quest.
  • If you receive your scholarship offer in May, we will already have reviewed your grades available in early May. You must still meet all other conditions specified above.

In late July, you’ll receive an email with information about how to use the award to help pay your tuition and fees.

Merit Scholarship (average of 85 - 89.9%)

If you meet the conditions outlined below, you’ll be awarded a one-time University of Waterloo Merit Scholarship valued at $1,000.

  • Your early May admission average, including required courses, must be 85 - 89.9% for the program for which you’ve received and accepted an Offer of Admission.
  • You must accept your Offer of Admission by the date specified on the offer.
  • You must be enrolled at Waterloo in full-time degree studies for the entire September to December term.

How you'll be notified

If you qualify, you’ll receive scholarship information with your Offer of Admission in Quest.

  • If you receive a scholarship before May, you must meet all the conditions specified above. Once we’ve reviewed your grades available in early May, we’ll confirm your University of Waterloo President’s or Merit Scholarship. You will be able to view the scholarship information in Quest.
  • If you receive your scholarship offer in May, we will already have reviewed your grades available in early May. You must still meet all other conditions specified above.

In late July, you’ll receive an email with information about how to use the award to help pay your tuition and fees.

Eligibility and conditions

  • Your admission average will be calculated based on grades available in early May using your top 6 Grade 12 courses or equivalents, including each of the required courses for the program(s) to which you’ve applied.
  • If you receive an Offer of Admission to more than one program, your admission average may qualify you for a President's or Merit Scholarship in one program but not another because your admission average must include required courses, which vary from program to program.
  • If your early May admission average is below 85% but your final admission average is 85% or higher, you will be awarded the appropriate President’s or Merit Scholarship. You'll be notified after we've received final grades in July.
  • To receive the full value of the entrance scholarship, you must remain enrolled in full-time degree studies at Waterloo for the full 4-month fall term (September to December).

Note: This scholarship program pertains to admission to the University of Waterloo only and is not applicable at Renison University College or St. Jerome’s University, who offer their own scholarships.

Other entrance scholarships

  • Other Waterloo entrance scholarships may be awarded in addition to the University of Waterloo President’s or Merit Scholarship. Alternatively, some entrance scholarships are awarded to students with an admission average below 85%.

How you'll be notified

President’s and Merit Scholarships

If you qualify, you’ll receive scholarship information with your Offer of Admission in Quest.

  • If you receive a scholarship before May, you must meet all the conditions specified above. Once we’ve reviewed your grades available in early May, we’ll confirm your University of Waterloo President’s or Merit Scholarship. You will be able to view the scholarship information in Quest.
  • If you receive your scholarship offer in May, we will already have reviewed your grades available in early May. You must still meet all other conditions specified above.

In late July, you’ll receive an email with information about how to use the award to help pay your tuition and fees.

Other entrance scholarships

If you’re eligible for one of our other entrance scholarships, we'll email you in mid-May. In late July, we'll email you with information about how to use the scholarship(s) to help pay your tuition and fees.