Appreciation, gratitude, and recognition




1. recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.

"I show appreciation to the team with some kitchen treats and a thank you note."




1. the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

"She expressed her gratitude to her team for the thoughtful card celebrating her promotion."




1. appreciation or acclaim for an achievement, service, or ability.

"The manager gave them recognition for their hard work on the latest project."

Appreciation, gratitude, and recognition are more than simple gestures: they are a powerful set of tools to build relationships within our University community. Part of employee appreciation stems from our conversations about performance, about setting expectations, and developing a pattern of effective communication. Much like performance conversations when we recognize both successes and improvements, these exchanges should happen on an ongoing basis, steadily recognizing members of our Waterloo community for their work and dedication to ensure we are supporting the next generation of talent, thinkers, and leaders at our institution.

When giving mindful recognition, it is important to understand the recognition preference of your employee or colleague. Remember to always provide thorough examples of the accomplishments, and how they, or their work, benefits the team or the University.

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Appreciate your Coworkers: What does work mean to you? Is it really about the daily grind, or the accomplishments of your team? What does your team mean to you? Have you mentioned how much you appreciate them lately? 



  • Heroes and Stars Among Us: The Power of Recognition Mike McDonald | Gallup Called to Coach Webcast Series
    Learn how managers and employees alike can multiply heroic moments and foster a culture rich in recognition.
  • Oh, To Be Grateful | Spoken Word Poem by Natalie Patterson
    Poet Natalie Patterson gives us her take on gratitude. What are you grateful for?

  • The Power of Appreciation Mike Robbins | TEDxBellevue
    There is an important distinction between "recognition" and "appreciation." Leaders, teams, organizations, and individuals who understand this distinction can have much more impact, meaning, and productivity in their lives and with the people around them.

  • An Indigenous Prayer of Gratitude Chief Phil Lane Jr. | UpLift
    Chief Phil Lane Jr. shares one of the four songs of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman, which he says holds a message for our time in human history.

  • Let's Rethink Employee Appreciation
    What makes workers happy? Take a step back from rigid and self-serving employee appreciation programs and focus on creating value and building relationships.


  • What Can the Brain Reveal About Gratitude?  Greater Good Magazine, The Greater Good Science Center, University of California, Berkeley
    New research is exploring the brain regions linked to gratitude—and it helps explain gratitude's many benefits.
  • The Remote Workplace Needs Recognition Rituals Too Nate Dvorak and Ryan Pendell| Gallup®
    For remote work employees, common workplace recognition rituals don't exist. And with COVID-19, many remote workers -- even while still employed -- are likely to feel adrift, lost, forgotten in their new work environment. Here's what you can do to help.
  • Gratitude as Ceremony: A Practical Guide to Decolonization By Kahsto’sera’a Paulette Moore & Tehahenteh Frank Miller, Journal of Sustainability
    “Indigenous peoples’ relationship to the natural world provides a powerful antidote … Within our own Rotinonhsyón:ni (Iroquois) nations the act of gratitude is at the heart of our key ceremony that connects us to our Earth.”
  • Employee Recognition: Low Cost, High Impact Annamarie Mann and Nate Dvorak | Gallup®
    Workplace recognition motivates, provides a sense of accomplishment and makes employees feel valued for their work. Recognition not only boosts individual employee engagement but also increases productivity and loyalty to the company, leading to higher retention.
  • Gratitude is Good Medicine! How Being Grateful Can Heal
    “Grateful people engage in more exercise, have better dietary behaviors, are less likely to smoke and abuse alcohol, and have higher rates of medication adherence”
  • Why Employees Need Both Recognition and Appreciation Mike Robbins | Harvard Business Review
    Recognition and appreciation. We often use these words interchangeably and think of them as the same thing. But while they’re both important, there’s a big difference between them.

  • Why Is Gratitude So Hard for Some People? Summer Allen | The Greater Good Science Center, University of California, Berkeley
    If you have trouble with gratitude, you’re not alone. Luckily, there’s something you can do about it.

  • The Surprising Power of Appreciation at Work Chris Cancialosi | Forbes Magazine
    How the power of positivity and appreciation shifts the dynamics at work.
  • When a Teammate Won’t Accept Your Praise Nobl Academy
    As leaders, we know acknowledging our employees for a job well done helps keep them motivated, especially in the face of ongoing change. Yet sometimes our compliments get a strange reception. Is your feedback missing the mark? Or is it the individual?

LinkedIn Learning courses


Micro-Learning: short sections with big insights

Top Tips and Practices

  • Send Praise to people on Microsoft Teams
    The Praise app in Microsoft Teams helps users show appreciation to members of your organization or classroom. The badges in Praise are designed to help recognize the effort that goes into the wide range of work that Teams users do, from educators to frontline workers
  • Set up a Kudoboard for employees to share their appreciation. A Kudoboard is an online appreciation tool that replaces the greeting card that's passed around and signed.
  • Gratitude Mediation
    Feel grateful as you reflect on all the gifts in your life. Gratitude practice can be used to promote a positive mood, hope, and resilience.

Giving Private Recognition

  • Send them a thank you note
  • Treat them to a coffee or tea at work
  • Offer interesting projects or professional/personal development opportunities
  • Dedicate more time in your next one-on-one meeting to discuss

Giving Public Recognition

  • Write a LinkedIn recommendation or endorse their skills
  • Encourage peer-to-peer recognition among the team
  • Bring in thank you treats for the entire team to enjoy
  • Share success stories at meetings

When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully,
everyone is blessed

MAYA ANGELOU, American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist. 1928-2014