Leaves, Absences & Accommodations

Leaves of absences

Step 1: Explore the Types of Absences and Leaves page for more information about vacation, sick leave, pregnancy/parental leave (including adoption), etc.

Step 2:  View the Employment Standards Act (ESA) Leaves page for information on leaves under the Ontario government.

Step 3: review the Time off for medical appointments and tests page for more information on if an appointment may be recorded as either sick leave or as work time.


The University of Waterloo is committed to making every reasonable effort to assist all employees who require accommodations for disabilities in the workplace. This includes active students who may be employed by the University during their studies, including teaching or research assistantships, sessional instruction, post-doctoral scholar, and other employment arrangements. This approach is consistent with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). The Accommodation guidelines (PDF) document outlines employee and manager responsibilities and the process involved with requests. Faculty members may contact FAUW's AF&T Committee to review the process.

Disability management

The University of Waterloo is committed to delivering positive outcomes while you are at or returning to work, by facilitating safe, healthy and sustainable return to work plans which may include workplace accommodations.

  • The long-term disability (LTD) benefit is intended to provide income continuance when sick leave expires for all eligible employees. Visit the Long-term disability page for more information.
  • View the principles and protocol on returning to work for more information on the process and specific responsibilities.
  • The Sick leave web page provides important information about sick leave that is not included in the Disability Management Guide (PDF)

Visit the Disability management web page for information on the guide and contacts.