Retiree benefits


Employees are eligible for post-retirement benefits (i.e., extended health, life insurance) if they were participating in the benefits program for at least ten continuous years immediately before the date of their retirement and decided to commence an immediate pension from the University of Waterloo.

Those employees who decide to defer their pension to a later date forfeit their eligibility for post-retirement benefits.  

Current Coverage:

Life insurance Extended health
  • Flat benefit of $6,500 for those retiring on or after January 1, 2024
  • Amount is set at date of retirement
  • Within 31 days of retirement, conversion of group life insurance to an individual policy is available and may be of interest
  • Same coverage as for active employees --  except for emergency medical travel coverage, which is limited to 60 days per trip
  • Note: Emergency excludes treatment of a pre-existing condition that was not stable for the 90-day period immediately preceding the covered person’s departure. 

Questions about coverage or claim assessments should be directed to GreenShield at 1-888-711-1119 or 1-888-525-7587.

To make changes to your extended health coverage (marital status, registration of dependents or student dependent status), please contact Human Resources.  

FYI: The dental benefit ceases at retirement.

To find out more about dental coverage for retirees (not affiliated with the University), please visit the Retirement Management Services website.

The University of Waterloo does not sponsor or pay the premium associated with this coverage. 

Retiree benefit maximum:

The Pension & Benefits Committee reviewed the maximum corresponding with the extended health benefit provisions and approved the following changes effective January 1, 2024:

Annual Benefit Maximum, Effective January 1, 2024


Those who retired after June 6, 2000

Those who retired between January 1, 1996 to June 5, 2000

Those who retired prior to January 1, 1996

Out-of-Pocket Max - Single




Out-of-Pocket Max - Family




Hearing Aids




















Physiotherapist/Occupational Therapist




Athletic Therapist $841 Not Applicable Not Applicable





Private Duty Nurse




Psychologist (including registered

social workers and




(Psychotherapists not eligible)


(Psychotherapists not eligible)

Speech Therapist




GreenShield Benefit Booklet for Retirees

You can access their booklet through GreenShield+. In the GreenShield benefit booklets, you will find more information relating to your retiree extended health benefit coverage.

Additionally, PDF copies of the booklets are available below and are based on when you retired:


Considering working past age 65? 

For regular employees working beyond age 65, learn how benefits will continue.