As we approach the end of the year, the official change in our benefit plan provider from Canada Life to Green Shield Canada (GSC) on January 1, 2023 is fast approaching. As part of our communication and change management plan to support our employees with this transition, welcome kits from GSC have been mailed to your home address on file with the University.
Unfortunately, due to an error in production, your GSC member ID card does not have the out-of-country/travel contact information that should have been printed on the back of the ID Card. A replacement card will be reissued and mailed to you immediately. When you receive your updated card, please discard the previous one. We apologize for any inconvenience this production error may have caused and thank you for your understanding.
In the interim, here is the GSC Travel assistance information, should you require it:
The toll-free out-of-country/travel contact information for GSC is 1-800-936-6226 (also, collect with operator assistance at 519-742-3556). GSC Travel Assistance is available 24/7/365 (including holidays). When contacting GSC Travel Assistance, quote your ID number on your GSC card.
In your welcome kit, you will find information about GSC, your new plan member ID, and a welcome letter. Please take a moment to register for the new online GSC Everywhere website and app (app available from the Apple App Store and Google Play). Within this online portal, you can provide GSC with your banking information to support direct deposit for future claims reimbursement. If you register before January 1, 2023, you may not have full access to the site and app until the effective date your plan begins.
To assist with this benefit provider change, there are several key reminders and suggested time-sensitive actions we recommend you (and any eligible dependants) take to ensure a smooth transition and coordination of your extended health and dental (if eligible) benefits.
Key dates, information, and recommended action items:
Your coverage with Canada Life concludes at the end of the day on December 31, 2022. A two-month grace period, from January 1, 2023, to February 28, 2023, will occur to allow for claims incurred in 2022 to be submitted to Canada Life for processing.
Claims incurred before/on December 31, 2022, can be submitted online to Canada Life using GroupNet only until the end of the day on December 31, 2022. The GroupNet website will no longer be available to members after that date.
Any outstanding claims not submitted though GroupNet by the December 31, 2022, cut-off date must then be submitted through the mail. Fill out and print a PDF claim form available from HR website. Mailed in claims received by Canada Life after February 28, 2023 will not be processed.
As GroupNet will no longer be available after December 31, it is highly recommended to obtain copies of any dental pre-determinations or approvals with Canada Life from GroupNet before January 1, 2023, to support your claims experience with GSC.
Further, your claims history will not be transferred to GSC Everywhere. If you would like to create a claim summary before January 1, you can do so by doing the following actions: log in to GroupNet and select Benefits, then Claim History, and select Create claim summary. Choose the information you want your summary of processed claims to include and specify a time range to download your claims history for your personal records.
Please remember to advise all service providers (this includes your pharmacy, dentist, physiotherapy, chiropractor, etc.,) on/after January 1, 2023, that your benefits provider has changed. You and your eligible dependants will need to provide your new ID number to each provider. Your GSC number is your UWaterloo employee ID number preceded by WTL (WTL + employee ID). GSC does not use policy numbers.
All new claims on and after January 1, 2023, will be submitted to GSC going forward.
If you have not received your welcome package by the end of the week, please contact or contact the GSC Customer Service Centre at
1-888-711-1119. (Mon to Fri 8:30 am - 8:30 pm EST. Closed: December 26-27, 2022 and January 2, 2023).
If you have any questions about this benefit provider change, please take a moment to review the answers to these common questions. Be sure to visit the project website for updates on this project.
If you need further assistance, please contact or call 519-888-4567 ext. 45935.
Note: The University will be closed for the winter break commencing Dec 26, 2022 and reopening on January 3, 2023.