Performance review FAQ (Managers)

Below are a list of the common questions HR receives each year related to the performance appraisal.

My staff member has been on maternity/paternity leave how do I handle?

Over the 12-month rating period, where there are fewer than eight months on-the-job performance to assess, the performance rating of an employee will normally be based on the average of her/his overall performance ratings in the three previous years (or the number of years available when fewer than three, with a 'satisfactory' rating applied as necessary for new employees).

I have a new staff member who transferred in from another department/my staff member transferred to another department. How should I handle their appraisal?

Depending upon timing of the transfer/promotion it is appropriate for the department head/manager with the longest service in the past year to complete the body of the appraisal document and the new department head to discuss future goals. Where there is approximately equal time in both departments department heads/managers should both complete the body of the document.

I have a concern about the performance of an employee. How should I handle?

Please discuss the circumstances with your human resources advisor. There should be no surprises in an appraisal.

I have an employee who has been on sick leave. What do I do?

If you have sufficient work time where you are able to assess performance you should complete the performance appraisal.

I have an employee who went on long term disability (LTD) during the year. What do I do?

If your employee has moved to LTD they will be removed from the salary increase process so there is no requirement for an appraisal.