Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
SSHRC Insight Development Grants, 2023
- Nazli Akhtari, Communication Arts, Archival Animations in the Global Iranian Diaspora.
- Katherine Bruce-Lockhart, History, Beyond the Mandela Rules: Global Governance, Prisoners' Rights, and "Universal" Prison Rules from the 19th-21st Centuries.
- Sepideh Ebrahimi, School of Accounting and Finance, Understanding how Task Complexity and Employees' Expertise Impact Adopting Discriminatory Data Analytics Recommendations and Developing Potential Countermeasures.
- Manaal Fahim Syed, Renison University College, Intergenerationality in the COVID-19 crisis: Evolving definitions and relations between older and younger generations in immigrant families and society.
- Adan Jerreat-Poole, Communication Arts, Disabled Feminists and Digital Storytelling: Zine-Making Pandemic Lives.
- Samuel Johnson, Psychology, Mental Task Management Theory.
- Logan MacDonald, Fine Arts, Environmental Scan of Indigenous Artists in Archives.
- Elizabeth Nilsen, Psychology, Associations between children's characteristics and their perceptions of, strategies toward, and learning from teachable robots.
- Keisuke Teeple, Economics, Financial Market Tatonnement.
SSHRC Insight Grants, 2023
- David Moscovitch, Psychology, Effects of social anxiety on the nature, accessibility, and impact of positive autobiographical memories.
- Eric Helleiner, Political Science, Central bankers and financial supervisors as global environmental governors: Analyzing the origins, growth, and influence of the Network for Greening the Financial System.
- Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme, Sociology and Legal Studies, Canadian socio-political cleavages in comparative perspective.
- Ori Friedman, Psychology, Principle-based Reasoning about Ownership and Control.
- James Beck, Psychology, A Motivational Account of Feedback Provision: Antecedents and Outcomes of the Effort that Managers Allocate to Providing Subordinates with Feedback.
- Samuel Johnson, Psychology, Virtue Alignment Theory: A Unified Approach to Moral Judgment and Action.
- Abigail Scholer, Psychology, A metamotivational framework for investigating and improving feedback provision.
- Chris Riddell, Economics, The Manitoba Income Maintenance Experiment: New Evidence from Untapped Data.
- Margaret Gibson, Renison University College, Eloping: Autistic people's perspectives on departure and well-being.
- Elizabeth Nilsen, Psychology, Associations between mentalizing and adolescents' on/off-line communication: Examining the role of temperament.
- Mikal Skuterud, Economics, The impact of international students' skills on their immigration and labour market outcomes.
- Heather Henderson, Psychology, Interpersonal Processes Underlying Social Connections: Development and Individual Differences.
- Tim Bauer, School of Accounting and Finance, Troublesome Clients: What do Auditors Experience and How Do They Deal With It.
- Christine Purdon, Psychology, Why is Once Sometimes Not Enough? The Persistence of Safety Routines.
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant, 2023
- Margaret Gibson, Renison University College, Learning access: an investigation into female students' experiences of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)-related accommodations in Ontario universities.
- Crystena Parker-Shandal, Renison University College, Intercultural Dialogue in Rural Communities in Canada: Interrupting divisions and systemic racism among Indigenous Peoples, racialized migrants, and white settlers.
SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, 2023
- Shana MacDonald, Communication Arts, and Brianna Wiens, English Language and Literature, Developing Scholarly Digital Feminist Networks in Canada: Resources, Toolkits, and Outreach.
SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grants: Evolving Narratives of Cultures and Histories, 2023
- Chizuru Nobe-Ghelani, Renison University College, Indigenous-Migrant relationality in the context of truth and reconciliation.
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
NSERC Discovery Awards, 2023
- Ori Friedman, Psychology, How Possibility Judgments Develop: Three Mechanisms That May Support Children's and Adults' Judgments of What is Possible.
- Lennart Nacke, Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business, Engineering Novel Game Technology To Improve People's Lives.
- Katherine White, Psychology, Expectation- vs. signal-driven processing of unfamiliar accents across development.
NSERC Discovery Awards and Early Career Research Supplements, 2023
- Samuel Johnson, Psychology, Narrative Representations in Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: Deconstructing the Currency of Thought.
- Ville Mäkelä, Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business, Developing Technologies for Bringing Physical Objects into Virtual Reality.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
CIHR Knowledge Development and Exchange Hub Grants (2023)
- Colleen McMillan, Renison University College, and Alice Schmidt Hanbidge, Renison University College, Knowledge Development and Exchange Hub for Mental Health in the Early Years Program.