Course code: CTE6550

Description:  This two-hour, hands-on workshop will introduce TAs to LEARN (from Desire2Learn), our learning management system for presenting course activities and resources in on-campus, blended, and fully online courses. By the end of this session TAs will be able to use LEARN to communicate with students and have basic knowledge of the tools available within LEARN (e.g., enter grades).

 Learning Outcomes:  After the session, participants will be able to:

  • modify their individual LEARN profile settings
  • use the LEARN environment to communicate with students
  • enter grades in discussion forums, drop boxes, quizzes and the grade book depending on their TA permission level
  • add content and use tools in a course based on their TA permission level
  • find LEARN help resources and obtain further assistance with course activities

Note:  This workshop will be primarily a Q&A session and will be hands on: participants should bring a laptop.  For effective participation in the session,  TAs are encouraged to self-enroll in the Teaching Assistant Training LEARN Site and review “Using LEARN Tools as a TA” module prior to the workshop. TAs should also be enrolled in the course they will be working in with the appropriate permissions, and should know the sorts of tasks that they will be asked to complete as a TA in that course to make best use of their time in the session.