CUT Research Projects Workshop (CTE146)

Monday, October 3, 2016 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Location: LIB 329

Description: At this workshop you will learn what is required for the GS 902 research project component, as well as about research and referencing skills specific to higher education. This workshop is designed to be interactive and to start you on the process of narrowing your research question and identifying the 10 scholarly references needed for your project. You will be taught how to use various search strategies and research databases, and then you will use these strategies during the workshop to find possible resources for your own topic.

To prepare for this workshop, you need to bring a proposed topic for your research project. Ideally it should be based on a question you have had regarding teaching and or learning practices in higher education. Avoid making it too broad (i.e., instead of "motivating students," a more appropriate topic would be "how to establish relevance in a first year course").

Facilitators: Svitlana Taraban-Gordon, CTE, Tim Ireland, Library, and Patrick Miller, Library


  • Open to CUT participants registered in GS 902
  • This workshop is required for GS 902 participants. It will be offered once every term.



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