Tip Sheets: Assessment and Feedback
Careful planning and implementation of assignments will help your students produce what you expected.
The goal of assignment sequencing is a stepwise development of students’ skills (i.e., movement from preliminary to higher level critical thinking or disciplinary skills)
The Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, known as Bloom's Taxonomy (Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, & Krathwohl, 1956) is one of the most recognized learning theories in the field of education
For more information related to Bloom's Taxonomy, refer to the Bloom's Taxonomy Teaching Tip.
In any endeavour, feedback provides direction for improvement
Crowdmark is an online platform that helps instructors manage and grade assignments and tests quickly and efficiently
A multiple-choice question (MCQ) is composed of two parts: a stem that identifies the question or problem, and a set of alternatives or possible answers that contain a key that is the best answer to the question, and a number of distractors that are plausible but incorrect answers to the question
This Teaching Tip discusses the challenge of effectively using feedback to enhance students' learning and performance. Feedback literacy involves understanding and using feedback to enhance learning strategies.
Examinations are a very common assessment and evaluation tool in universities and there are many types of examination questions
This game can be played in tutorials, lectures, or study groups outside class, and it helps to produce the lateral thinking, critical negotiations
Exam wrappers are activities that “wrap around” an exam to enhance students' meta-cognition and their reflection on their assessments.
Whether you’re grading assignments, essays, lab reports, or exams, there are some general strategies that can help you save time and ensure that you’re being equitable.
One way to change the pace in your classroom is to do a small group activity.
Many types of assignments can be done online.
Assessment is an integral part of your course design.
Clearly communicate to students your goals for any assignment or learning activity.
Including well-designed library-based assignments in your courses can help build students’ research and thinking skills.
As a learning tool, writing can help students achieve a number of learning goals.
Guidelines when pivoting from an in-person exam to an online exam.
Most university courses have an end-of-term assessment of student learning: a final exam, term test, summative project, or other option
Different assignments make different cognitive demands on students.
Students should be made aware of assessment before starting the project
Fostering an effective discussion can be challenging in a face-to-face situation and even more so in an online environment.
Hypothesis is an online tool that allows students to collaboratively annotate course readings and other internet resources.
Peer instruction is a form of collaborative learning where students engage with core course concepts and then explain those concepts to one another.
Clickers are stand-alone handheld devices or apps installed on a smartphone or laptop that allow students to respond to an instructor's multiple-choice questions. These responses are instantly tabulated by software so that the instructor, and potentially the students, can see the results. Used effectively, clickers can foster participation as well as student engagement with course content.
While we often think of exams as a way to test students’ comprehension of material, exams can serve more than one purpose.
Critical thinking is a high priority outcome of higher education – critical thinking skills are crucial
We are continually receiving and giving feedback.
Writing can be a powerful learning tool.
method of assessing concept maps, proposed by Novak and Gowin, is based on the components and structure of the map
Rubrics can be excellent tools to use when assessing students’ work for several reasons.
All instructors want to assess fairly, but doing so can sometimes require extra effort, especially when a large number of students are being graded by multiple assessors
This teaching tip provides a descriptive catalogue of scores of different kinds of assignments.
Peer review, also called peer editing, peer feedback, and formative peer assessment, allows students to provide and receive feedback on an assignment before submitting it to the instructor
Turnitin is a text-matching tool for encouraging academic integrity
As learning tools, writing exercises are valuable because they help students think critically about course material while encouraging them to grasp, organize, and integrate prior knowledge with new concepts.