Documenting Your Teaching for Tenure and Promotion

Course code: CTE908

DescriptionTenure and promotion are critical milestones in a faculty member's career. You need to collect evidence and document your successes in research, teaching, and service for various individuals and committees to assess. Although many faculty are well prepared to document their research and even service, evidence of good teaching can be more difficult to provide.You will learn about best practices used at other institutions - primarily the teaching dossier - for you to use or adapt in relation to the criteria identified by your Department Chair or School Director. There will be time for questions throughout the session.

Find out how others have been successful at documenting their teaching as part of being granted tenure at Waterloo, and network with your colleagues to help build a community that can help support you to your successful tenure application and beyond.

Mario Coniglio’s presentation slides (PDF)

Documenting Your Teaching: Ten Point Checklist (PDF)

Trevor Holmes’ presentation slides (PDF)

Teaching Dossier Basics for Faculty (PDF)

Cecilia Cotton’s presentation slides (PDF)

Johanna Wandel’s presentation slides (PDF)