Offered: April 23, 24, 25, and 28, 2025
The Teaching Excellence Academy (TEA) provides you an opportunity to re-design one of your courses. You will work with other faculty members – as well as Instructional Developers from the Centre for Teaching Excellence – in a retreat-like setting for four days. We engage in both small-group and individual activities to move you through a course design process that will enable you to create a revised course that aligns intended learning outcomes, teaching activities, and student assessment.
Sample topics to be covered include understanding ourselves as teachers, understanding our students, creating concept maps, setting learning outcomes, aligning outcomes with teaching activities and student assessment, and designing course outlines.
At the end of the retreat, we arrange a showcase of the revised course outlines to celebrate our work and share our learning with the wider campus community.
If you are interested in participating in the TEA, please speak to your Department Chair, Director or Faculty Teaching Fellow. Faculty members nominated will be invited to attend.
For more information about the TEA, contact Donna Ellis.