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Marios Ioannidis
Department Chair & Professor

Marc Aucoin

Virus and Therapeutic Protein Production and Purification, Animal Cell Culture, Metabolomics.
Nasser Mohieddin Abukhdeir
Associate Professor & Associate Chair, Operations

Computational Multiphysics Research and Development; Multiphase Flows; Liquid Crystal Dynamics
Jason Grove
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies & Graduate Attributes & Associate Professor, Teaching Stream

Lena Ahmadi
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream

Peter Angelo
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Eline Boghaert
Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies & Associate Professor, Teaching Stream

Hector Budman

C. Perry Chou

Eric Croiset

Ali Elkamel

Process Systems Engineering; Computer-Aided Product Formulation and Design; Systems Biology; Carbon Management, Energy and Environmental Systems; Optimization of Oil, Gas, Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical Operations; Process Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems.
Christian Euler
Assistant Professor

Xianshe Feng

Membranes; Separation Technologies; Gas Concentration and Purification; Water and Wastewater Treatment; Biosorption.
Michael Fowler
Canada Research Chair in Zero-Emission Vehicles & Hydrogen Energy Systems (Tier-1) &Professor

Electrochemical Power Sources, PEM Fuel Cell Degradation, LiIon Battery Degradation, Hybrid Vehicle Power Trains, Green Energy Hubs, Hydrogen Economy.
Jeff Gostick
Azzam-Dullien Endowed Chair & Professor, Associate Chair, Graduate Studies

Porous media, multiphase flow, pore network modelling, electrochemical energy conversion
Milad Kamkar
Assistant Professor

Yilan Liu
Assistant Professor

Pendar Mahmoudi
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream

Tizazu Mekonnen
Associate Professor,Director - IBET PhD Project & Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Multiphase Polymers (Tier II)

Research area
- Polymer Science and Engineering
- Renewable polymers: Processing and Chemical Modifications
- Polymer blends, composites and nanocomposites
Sarah Meunier
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream

Christine Moresoli

Rajinder Pal

Alex Penlidis

Polymer Property Reactive Modification, Tailor-made Polymeric Materials for Toxic Analyte Detection, Copolymer Reactivity Ratio Estimation, Water Soluble Polymers, Mechanical Properties of Pipes, Adhesive Technology, Crosslinking Polymerizations.
Michael Pope
Associate Professor

Elisabeth Prince
Assistant Professor

Joshua Pulsipher
Assistant Professor

Yverick Pascal Rangom
Assistant Professor

Luis Ricardez-Sandoval
Canada Research Chair in Multiscale Modelling and Process Systems (Tier II) Professor

Hamed Shahsavan
Assistant Professor

David Simakov
Associate Professor

Emerging Catalytic Nano-Materials; Heterogeneous Catalysis; Reactor Design; Renewable Synthetic Fuels
Leonardo Simon

Michael K.C. Tam
University Research Chair & Professor

Ting Tsui
Program Director, Nanotechnology Engineering program & Associate Professor

Costas Tzoganakis

Reactive Extrusion of Polymers, Polymer Modification, Polymer Processing with Supercritical Fluids, Rubber Devulcanization, Polymer Compounding, Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulations of Polymer Processing Operations.
Maxime van der Heijden
Assistant Professor
Michael Vitelli
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Valerie Ward
Canada Research Chair in Microalgae Biomanufacturing (Tier II) Associate Professor

Evelyn Yim
University Research Chair & Professor

Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, Nanopatterning, Nanotopography, Regulation of stem cell maintenance and differentiation.
Boxin Zhao
University of Waterloo Endowed Chair in Nanotechnology & Professor

Surface science and bionanomaterials, interfacial materials engineering for advanced manufacturing, biomimicry and biomimetic materials, multifunctional polymers and nanocomposites, biopolymer, hydrogels and healthcare materials, advanced coating and adhesive bonding technology …