Tatham Centre room use principles

Waterloo students in TC meeting room listening to a presentation.

Purpose of Tatham Centre

The William M. Tatham Centre (TC) was designed and constructed specifically to accommodate and support the activities of the Co-operative Education (CE) and the Centre for Career Development (CCD) departments.

The building contains approximately 100 interview offices and seven meeting rooms of various sizes.

Activities in the building

  • Employer interviews for co-op work terms, graduating students for permanent employment, and students looking for summer jobs.
  • Employer information sessions
  • Career education and development workshops
  • University meetings and events
  • Study

Building hours

The Tatham Centre is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Beginning one week before exams until the last day of exams, the building is open from 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.

A security guard is present after normal business hours (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) until the building closes.

The Tatham Centre is not an “open” building

  • Purpose and design:
    • Unlike most other buildings on campus, the Tatham Centre is not an academic building and was not designed for open, unrestricted access 24 hours a day. 
  • Insecure areas and equipment:
    • The building contains insecure or partially secure areas such as the CEE Hub and Career Development.
  • Professional appearance:
    • It is in UWaterloo’s best interests to minimize the wear and tear on the facilities in the Tatham Centre as much as possible and present a clean, professional image to visitors and students alike. Because of the nature of activities in the Tatham Centre and because corporate executives, managers, as well as other representatives of organizations from all over North America are welcomed, a professional appearance is essential for the impression we need to make.
  • Administrative effort:
    • The administrative effort needed to arrange for the TC to be left open beyond normal business hours is time-consuming and sometimes complicated. It is for these reasons that unrestricted bookings of the Tatham Centre may not be made by non-CE or -CCD departments or individuals.
  • The Tatham Centre is not included in the University of Waterloo facilities that Policy 15 covers.

Room priorities

  1. The Tatham Centre is used for the following activities in descending order of priority:
  2. Employer-student interviews for co-op, graduating, and regular (summer job) students.
  3. Employer information sessions for student recruitment purposes
  4. Career Development activities such as CCD-organized workshops and information sessions
  5. Interview offices for student study CE and CCD organized/sponsored meetings
  6. Other UWaterloo departments/organizations for meetings, guest lectures, workshops

Current room use policies/procedures:

Student interview room use:

  • To book a room for remote interviews, submit a "Request room in TC for remote interview" form under "Recruiting Term Support" on WaterlooWorks.
  • Approvals are subject to availability and are on a first-come, first-served basis. Rooms assigned may be a shared space in one of our call centre booths, or an individual space. We can’t accommodate specific room requests.

Students are expected to bring their own interview equipment, including laptop and headset. The use of a headset is strongly recommended to improve sound quality during your interview. If you were assigned a room in one of our Call Centres, ethernet adapters are available at each booth, please use them to ensure a stable internet connection. On-site technical troubleshooting will not be available until further notice

Student study room use:

  • At certain times of the year, any Waterloo student with a valid WatCard can request an interview room on the lower level of the Tatham Centre for study purposes.
  • Rooms not booked for CE and CCD activities are available (weekdays only) on a first-come, first-served basis, day-of from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m., starting one week before exams until the last day of exams (currently no maximum time limit) outside co-op interview cycles.
  • To request a study room, visit the CEE Hub on the first floor of the Tatham Centre and show your WatCard ID before proceeding to the study room.
  • Study rooms are limited to a maximum number of three students per room.
  • Students are responsible for their belongings at their own risk; keys are not distributed.

Non-student (other UWaterloo departments/faculties):

  • Meeting rooms not booked for CE and CCD activities are available for use by Waterloo faculty or staff on a first-come, first-served basis outside of the weeks or days when co-op employer interviews take place.
  • Rooms can only be booked for the current term and the next term.
  • Security, monitoring staff, administrative, and clean-up charges may apply.
  • The Tatham Centre is generally not available for bookings on weekends. Tatham Centre rooms can be booked for meetings by sending an email to cecaroom@uwaterloo.ca

Booking guidelines

  1. TC 1113 is held in reserve for CE and CCD and is generally not booked for use by those outside of these departments.
  2. The staff lounge, TC 3201 is reserved for CE and CCD staff use only and may not be booked.
  3. TC rooms may not be booked for non-CE and -CCD personal events such as parties.
  4. TC common space such as the main level foyer and adjoining lobbies, including the student waiting, area may not be booked for events that disrupt the seating arrangement.
  5. CE and CCD staff are not responsible for re-arranging room layout to suit bookings for events outside of these departments.
  6. Non-CE and -CCD events may not be permitted to re-arrange furnishings in some rooms.
  7. Non-CE and -CCD event representatives are responsible for leaving room(s) in a pre-arranged order and condition (layout, cleanliness, etc.).
  8. Chairs or tables may not be moved from one room to another.
  9. CE and CCD staff are not responsible for arranging non-CE and -CCD event audio-visual requirements.
  10. CE and CCD staff are not responsible for providing non-CE and -CCD event technical assistance with audio-visual equipment or computers for use with PowerPoint (or similar) presentations.
  11. Non-CE and -CCD events may not normally be booked on weekends.
  12. Exceptions to weekend bookings will require arrangements to be made by CE and CCD to employ adequate security and/or attendants. A non-CE or -CCD event permitted to hold weekend event will sign an agreement to pay an administrative fee, CE or CCD attendants’ time, and pre-Monday clean-up.
  13. Damage to equipment or facilities and spills on floors or carpets must be reported promptly to CE or CCD attendants.
  14. Non-CE or -CCD events that take place weekdays after business hours (after 4:30 p.m.) must conclude (30 minutes) prior to the end of the security shift. If the event is to continue beyond the end of the security shift, the non-CE or -CCD event department/organization will sign an agreement to cover the cost of additional security/staff time.
  15. Rooms booked by students for study purposes may not be occupied by more than three people.
  16. CE and CCD retains the right to refuse bookings of non-CE or -CCD events that may disrupt, disturb, or interfere with the-day- to-day activities of CE and CCD staff and operations.
  17. All University safety and local fire regulations must be adhered to by all users of TC facilities.
  18. All users of TC facilities must adhere to UWaterloo's Policy 21 on the use of alcoholic beverages on campus.