Waterloo’s Powering Change program

architectural clock tower

In November 2021, we announced the University of Waterloo's Powering Change program. Through this program, Waterloo students can apply to earmarked international work-integrated learning (iWIL) experiences with monetary awards attached to help overcome the barriers they may face to participating.

From January 2022 to March 2025, the program will offer 65+ iWIL experiences in more than 20 non-traditional international locations. These experiences will be available to Canadian citizens or permanent residents who are Indigenous, have accessibility needs or face income barriers.

The Powering Change program is funded by Global Skills Opportunity (GSO), the Government of Canada’s outbound mobility program, which will provide eligible students with the following awards:

  • $1,000 awards for virtual Powering Change iWIL experiences
  • $10,000 awards for in-person Powering Change iWIL experience

Please note: These opportunities and awards are available to co-op students for co-op credit, as well as regular students via several campus partners.

To learn more about how to apply and what to expect if you're chosen, review the information below. If you have questions at any point, please contact the program coordinator at ceeintam@uwaterloo.ca.

1. Who is eligible for a Powering Change iWIL Experience?

Students must meet all the requirements below in order to be eligible for Powering Change iWIL experiences/awards:

  • You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who identifies with one of the groups identified by GSO below:
    • Low-income students (GSO’s definition of low-income students includes those who report being in receipt of Canada Student Grants, or similar non-repayable student financial assistance offered by provinces and territories, or, in the absence of receiving non-repayable student financial assistance, can provide information to demonstrate that they require financial support to study or work abroad).
    • Indigenous students (GSO’s definition of Indigenous students includes those who report being an Indigenous person, that is, First Nations, Métis, or Inuk [Inuit]).
      • Please note: If you identify as Indigenous and are chosen for the job, you will be asked to provide documentation that confirms your Indigenous identity.
    • Students with disabilities (GSO’s definition of students with disabilities includes those who report having difficulty or impairment due to a long-term condition or health problem and/or experiences a limitation in their daily activities).
  • You must also commit to completing the following mandatory activities if you are chosen for the experience (learn more below):

2. How to apply for a Powering Change iWIL experience

Powering Change iWIL experiences are available to both co-op and regular students through the following campus partners:

  • Co-operative Education
  • EDGE Program - World Association for Co-op Education (WACE)
  • St. Jerome’s University (SJU)
  • Faculty of Environment’s International Development program
  • Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy (WISE)
  • St. Paul’s University (SPU; various programs such as SPU’s Indigenous Entrepreneurship Program, Waterloo Indigenous Student Centre, Waterloo Student Refugee Program).

To apply for non-co-op Powering Change iWIL experiences, please reach out to the partners above. To apply for a Powering Change iWIL experience that counts for co-op credit, follow the steps below.

To apply for Powering Change iWIL experiences for co-op credit:

  1. Detemine whether you are eligible for these jobs/awards.
  2. Search for Powering Change iWIL experiences on WaterlooWorks job boards:
    • Login to WaterlooWorks
    • Select "Hire Waterloo Co-op" or "Hire Waterloo > Other Jobs"
    • Use the "Advanced Search" feature to search for the keyword "Powering Change"
  3. Answer pre-screening questions to confirm you meet all eligibility requirements.
    • Please note: these pre-screening questions have been intentionally generalized to avoid collecting personal information from students. The answers to these generalized questions will be shared with the employer as part of your application package to determine your eligibility.
    • If you would prefer not to provide this information, there is a “prefer not to answer” option for each pre-screening question – but please be advised that selecting this option will preclude you from being eligible for the job.
  4. Employers will interview eligible candidates and make their selections.
    • Jobs posted on the "Hire Waterloo Co-op" job board will follow the rank/match process.
    • Jobs posted on the "Hire Waterloo > Other jobs" job board will follow the employer's chosen selection process.
  5. If you are a successful candidate in this job/experience, you must also complete the following mandatory activities to be eligible for the award (learn more below):

3. Once you've been hired or admitted into an available Powering Change iWIL experience

If you’ve been hired or admitted into an available Powering Change opportunity, you must complete the steps below in order to receive the award as compensation:

  1. Complete GSO’s mandatory pre-departure survey (you'll be sent a link).
    • This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. There are no right or wrong answers, and your responses will have no impact on your GSO funding.
    • The results from this survey will be used to monitor, evaluate, and improve the program.
    • The information that you provide will be kept confidential and will not be shared outside of the GSO program. You may answer “prefer not to say” to any question.
    • The pre-departure survey will ask you to answer questions about the following:
      • Demographic information (e.g., your program details, your first language, the gender you identify with, whether you identify as an Indigenous person and whether you identify as a student with a disability).
      • Financial situation (e.g., whether you've been approved for financial assistance for your current program of study).
      • Your outbound mobility experience (e.g., whether you’ll be working virtually or in-person, how long the experience is, what influenced your choices).
      • Your outbound mobility supports (e.g., support you received, how helpful it was).
      • Your pre-departure experience (e.g., what you enjoyed, what could be improved).
      • Your technical and soft skills prior to your iWIL experience.
      • How you feel about your employability prior to your iWIL experience.
  2. Complete GSO’s mandatory post-experience survey (you'll be sent a link).
    • This survey is not yet available but we will update this page when we learn more.
  3. Complete travel-related risk activities required by the campus units below:
  4. Meet standard co-op requirements (if you're pursuing the opportunity for co-op credit).
  5. Complete the Cultural Intelligence CQ pre- and post-experience assessments.
  6. Complete a UN Sustainable Development Goal activity administered by Co-operative Education.

4. How the awards will be disbursed

Depending on whether the job is in-person or virtual, your award will be disbursed directly into your student Quest account as per the following timing:

$1,000 award for virtual experiences Will be disbursed into your Quest account in one transaction after you have completed the GSO’s pre-departure survey and all other requirements.
$10,000 award for in-person experiences Will be disbursed into your Quest account in three transactions at the following intervals:
  • $4,000 after you have completed the GSO’s pre-departure survey
  • $4,000 mid-way through the international experience
  • $2,000 after you have completed the international experience and GSO’s post-experience survey.

Please note: As with other awards, if you have fees owing on your Quest account, the award will go towards those fees.