Employer hosting an EIS, gesturing for student to ask their question

Looking to network or learn more about potential employers?

An Employer Information Session (EIS) could provide the opportunity you’re looking for! EIS are recruiting events hosted by employers who want to build meaningful connections with co-op students and new graduates.

Visit the Employer Information Sessions calendar on WaterlooWorks for details on the employer hosting. The EIS calendar also includes details about the programs and experience levels employers are targeting. Sessions occur after classes begin and throughout the first two months of each term (i.e., January-February, May-June and September-October).

Why attend an EIS?

  • Learn about available or upcoming job opportunities.
  • Gain insights into the work you’d do in the fields targeting your academic program.
  • Connect directly with employers and hiring managers to expand your professional network.
  • Explore a company’s culture and values.
  • Hear first-hand from former co-op students and alumni.

Tips for networking success

Here are proven ways to maximize your attendance at an EIS:

  • Dress to impress in business casual attire.
  • Engage and participate by asking questions. Consider questions like:
    • What does a typical day look like at your company?
    • What experiences or courses would help me secure a role at the company?
    • What do you enjoy most about working at the company?
    • I saw your team is working on <insert specific project>. How would this co-op role contribute to it?
    • How would you describe your organizational culture?

After your session, check out WaterlooWorks or the company’s website to see what job opportunities are currently available.