Request for special consideration

The University of Waterloo prioritizes equitable admissions practices at the core of our application process.

We understand that every applicant is unique and may have experienced exceptional circumstances or challenges that affected their academics.

Exceptional circumstances are defined as circumstances that are beyond your control and unavoidable. Being granted special consideration means we’ll apply a form of adjustment to support you and make sure you receive fair and equal academic treatment.


The forms will open in late fall 2024. Requests will be due by February 14, 2025. If you have any questions, please email

Types of admission accommodations or considerations

There are three options to consider before submitting a request for admissions special consideration. Please choose the one that best reflects your circumstances.

1. Accommodation for a specific component of the admissions process (admissions information form, interview, etc.) due to your disability, illness, or trauma

This category is appropriate if you currently have a disability, illness or medical condition, and/or are experiencing trauma, and require an accommodation to participate in a specific component of Waterloo’s admission process (e.g., supplementary assessments such as interviews or entrance assessments).

2. Accommodation for an unaccommodated (or suspected) disability, illness, or trauma

You are eligible if

  • you have had significant circumstances that affected your grades and
  • you were not accommodated through your school or relevant services (e.g., "Individual Education Plan" (IEP), informal accommodation by your teachers).

This category is appropriate if you were not accommodated during your studies at your previous institution for a disability, illness, or trauma and/or you were unaware that you had a disability during the time your academics were impacted.

The term 'disability’ covers a broad range and degree of conditions that can be permanent, temporary, episodic, and suspected, including temporary disabilities, chronic conditions, disabling illness, as well as the physical, emotional, and psychological effects of a trauma (e.g., sexual violence).

3. Other unaccommodated circumstances

You are eligible if

  • you have had significant circumstances that affected your grades and
  • you were not accommodated through your school or relevant services (e.g., "Individual Education Plan" (IEP), informal accommodation by your teachers).

This category is appropriate if you have or had a significant circumstance or event that affected your grades and for which you did not receive support or accommodation.

If your circumstances were/are disability, illness, or trauma related, you must complete the admission accommodation form. This information is most relevant if your grades are slightly below the range we require for admission to your program(s) of interest. Our staff may consider this information (along with your overall academic record) when reviewing your application.

If you had a known disability or circumstances that you were accommodated for (e.g., you received an "Individual Education Plan" (IEP) or were informally accommodated by your teachers with additional time/extended deadlines etc.), you’re not eligible for this process and will be considered for admission through our standard application process.


  1. Apply for admission to Waterloo through the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC). Please be aware of our deadlines.
  2. Submit all required documents after you receive your Waterloo ID number and set up your Quest account.
  3. Submit your request for special consideration by completing the appropriate form listed above based on your personal circumstances by the deadline.

In your submission, you'll be required to provide us with contact information for an academic reference (teacher, guidance counsellor, principal) that can confirm the difficulties you describe in your submission and can verify if any accommodations were in place.

Applying to the Bachelor of Social Work program, part-time, or online learning?

Please email and follow the deadlines listed on our part-time and online degrees page

Frequently asked questions

Will submitting a special consideration request guarantee admission?

No, an approved special consideration submission or accommodation requirement does not guarantee admission. Many of our programs are very competitive and all applications will be reviewed fairly, taking all documents, grades, and information supplied into account.

Who will have access to the information I submit?

Any medical documentation submitted as part of the special consideration process is submitted directly to Waterloo's AccessAbility Services and is reviewed and assessed by our Clinical Records Evaluator. Information provided through the Other unaccommodated circumstances form is reviewed by the special consideration committee and managed carefully by the University as per Policy 46 - Information Management.

What documentation will I need to supply?

If the submission is disability/medical in nature, you will be required to print off a disability verification form to be completed by a qualified healthcare professional. For all special consideration requests, you may be required to supply a letter of support or other supporting documentation upon request depending on circumstances. We may also follow up directly with your school if we need additional information.

When will I hear back with a decision on whether my special consideration request was approved or not?

Due to the volume of applications, we do not follow up once your submission has been reviewed. All submissions are addressed by the appropriate individuals based on the situation and the outcome is relayed to the admissions committee and added to your file. All special consideration submissions will be reviewed individually alongside your entire application. You will not hear back from us directly on the outcome of your special consideration request.

Note: Most admission decisions are made in early May so there may be considerable time between your request and when you hear from us with an admission decision.

Can I fill out the "Other unaccommodated circumstances" form even if my situation is medical in nature (mental health, disability, trauma)?

If you would like to request an admission accommodation due to disability, illness, and/or trauma, it's best to use the admission accommodation pathway.

Unsure which process to follow? Don't worry. If you fill out the incorrect form based on your situation, our team will follow up with you directly and request that you complete the correct form and proper paperwork. Completing the incorrect form may result in your special consideration request not being reviewed on time for an admissions decision.

If you are unable to submit the required medical documentation for the admission accommodation pathway, please email and our team will provide you with next steps.

Can I submit the form on behalf of a friend or family member?

No. Requests must be made directly by students due to privacy regulations. Parents or guardians cannot make requests on behalf of their child regardless of age.

When I submit the "Other unaccommodated circumstances" form, what information should I provide?

Please let us know the timeline of the events and what the direct impact of those circumstances were on your academics.

What if my extenuating circumstances happened after the deadline to submit the form?