SEE Canada application

Application process

Step 1: Download and complete the SEE Canada Application Form. Be sure to save the PDF on your computer and work on it using Adobe Acrobat. If you fill it out in your web browser, answers may not be saved. 

Step 2: Obtain a letter of support from your immediate supervisor, co-signed by your Executive Council member. In this letter, the co-signatories should support and recommend the candidate for this experience. See additional instructions for the letter below.

Step 3: Submit the completed application and signed letter to

Letter of support

The letter should contain the following:

  • Details of how this experience will relate to the applicant's role at the University.
  • Qualities of character that make the applicant a strong ambassador to the University, such as strong leadership.
  • Acknowledgement that the applicant will be away from their primary role for this experience and will continue to be paid during their time away.
  • Acknowledgement that the award recipient will have reporting obligations to complete upon their return.

Please submit your completed application, or any questions you may have, to