Rating Guidelines

Staff Member Scenario How Rating is Determined:
New hire (late in the performance year) Average rating (between 3 to 3.75) to be assigned with appraisal document completed to best of ability
New hire (January 2024 to March 2024) 6 rating applies, range adjustment only.  No appraisal document required
New hire (April 2024 and later) 7 rating applies, no adjustment as hired in the May 1st salary range
Staff member on secondment Staff members on secondment are in their home salary pool for the merit process and depending on length of secondment, performance ratings may be determined by home manager, secondment manager or a combination of both.  It is the responsibility of the Manager at time of the merit process to gather feedback from the staff member’s home Manager, send in the completed appraisal document (which includes final rating), as well as report the final performance rating to the home Manager.  The home Manager should be aware of the rating as they will need to report the final performance rating during the merit process.
Staff member who transfers It is the responsibility of the Manager at time of the merit process to send in the appraisal document with the appropriate rating, gathering feedback from the staff members previous Manager
Leave of absence greater than 8 months in the performance year If performance data is available apply average rating of previous 3 years accompanied by an appraisal document completed to best of ability.  If insufficient performance data is available for evaluation, assign a rating of a 6, range adjustment only.
Leave of absence less than 8 months in the performance year Rating assigned with appraisal document completed
Staff on maternity/parental leave Average rating of previous 3 years assigned unless enough performance is available in the performance year to evaluate
Staff on sick leave Rating assigned with appraisal document completed
Staff on long-term disability Not eligible for merit process