myPENSIONinfo: explained

What is myPENSIONinfo?

 myPENSIONinfo is an online self-service pension estimator which allows you to:

  • Project your pension at various dates, with or without annual salary increases
  • Do projections assuming you change your work hours (i.e. FTE) to see the impact on your pension
  • See bar graphs and income replacement ratios with every projection
  • See your pension accrual as of the end of the previous year
  • Pension Profile – Review your personal, spouse and beneficiary information, as well as your accrued service, contributions with interest and salary history
  • View your last 3 annual pension statements, starting with your 2016 statement

To access the estimator, log in using your WatIAM credentials. This is the same combination you use to log on to your university computer.

If you do not know your WatIAM ID, please contact the IST Help Desk at or your faculty help desk.

New pension plan members are added to the pension database once a month. If you have just joined the pension plan, wait until approximately the 7th day of the following month, and try again.

Please note that myPENSIONinfo is not updated during the first few months following the New Year to accommodate year-end processes and the production of annual statements.