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Eleenor Hilla Abraham

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 3204

Supervisor - McAuley, T.

Charlotte Aitken

Ph.D. Candidate
Charlotte Aitken
Location: PAS 3206

Michelle Ashburner

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4211

Supervisor - Fugelsang, J./ Risko, E.

Ashley Avarino

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4007

Supervisor - White, K.

Samantha Ayers-Glassey

MA Candidate
Location: PAS 2257

Supervisor - Smilek, D.

Kaitlin Spence Bain

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 3240G

Supervisor - Scholer, A. / Wood, J.

Amy Barron

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4237

Supervisor - Bobocel, R.

Laura Bianchi

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4211

Supervisor - Risko, E.

Erin Bowman

MA Candidate
Erin Bowman
Location: PAS 3035

Celina Bowman-Smith

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 3203

Supervisor - Nilsen, E.

Van Bui

PhD candidate
Location: PAS 3284

Supervisors - Moscovitch, D

Emilie Caron

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 2257

Supervisor - Smilek, D./ Carriere, J. (@ Bishop)

Taylor Carroll

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4247

Laura Colucci

MA Candidate
Location: PAS 3213

Supervisor - Browne, D.

Taylor Crawford

MA Candidate
Location: PAS 3205

Supervisor - Purdon, C.

Baaba Vanessa Dadzie

PhD candidate
Baaba Dadzie
Location: PAS 2245

Supervisor - Danckert, J.

Sarena Daljeet

MA Candidate
Location: PAS 3214

Supervisor - Oakman, J.

Link to profile: Sarena Daljeet

Jenna Dawson

PhD Candidate

Supervisor - Rehman, U. / McAuley, T.

Dogukan Demircioglu

PhD Candidate
Dogukan Demircioglu
Location: PAS 4042

Supervisor: Samuel Johnson

Allison Drody

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 2245

Supervisor - Danckert, J. / Smilek, D.

Amie Durston

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 2248

Supervisor: Roxane Itier

Jessica Edwards

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 3203

Supervisor - Rehman, U.

Sarah English

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4011

Supervisor - Denison, S. / Friedman, O.

Tyler Eschenwecker

MA Candidate
Tyler Eschenwecker
Location: PAS 3205

Supervisor: Purdon, C.

Katherine Finch

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 3208

Supervisor - Oakman, J.

Nadine Ghanem

MA Candidate
Nadine Ghanem
Location: PAS 4012

Hanbin Go

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 2235

Supervisor - Anderson, B.

Emily Grant

PhD Candidate

Supervisor - Ellard, C.

Allister Grapes

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4238

Monica Grove

PhD Candidate
Monica Grove
Location: PAS 3029

Megan Herrewynen

PhD Candidate
Megan Herrewynen

Jolie Ho

MA Candidate
Location: PAS 3214

Supervisor: Moscovitch, D.

Carlo Isola

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4238

Supervisor: Brown, D. & Beck, J.

Aleece Katan

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 3204

Supervisor - Kelly, A.

Megan Olivia Kelly

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4211

Supervisor - Risko, E.

Connery Knox

MA Candidate
Connery Knox

Michelle Korlacka

PhD Candidate
Michelle Korlacka
Location: PAS 3029

Bruno Korst-Fagundes

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 2240

Supervisor - Smilek, D.

Sophie Kudryk

PhD Candidate
Sophia Kudryk
Location: PAS 3035

Jessica Lee

PhD candidate
Location: PAS 2245

Supervisor - Danckert, J. / Hall, P.

Owen Malo

MA Candidate
Owen Malo
Location: PAS 4235

Supervisor: James Beck

Serena McDiarmid

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4012

Supervisor - Henderon, H.

Aliya McNeil

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 3284

Supervisor -  Purdon, C.

Julia McNeil

PhD Candidate

Supervisor - Rehman, U.

Ethan Meyers

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4038

Supervisor - Fugelsang, J./ Koehler, D.

Alexandr Milovanov

PhD Candidate
Alexandr Milovanov
Location: PAS 3275

Supervisor - Oakman, J.

Amy Minnikin

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4230

Supervisor - Beck, J. / Shen, W.

Brigitta Munds

MA Candidate
Brigitta Munds
Location: PAS 3046

Supervisor: Richard Eibach

Pearlyn Ng

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4229

Supervisor: Doug Brown

Shirley Ong

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 3211

Supervisor - Nilsen, L.

April Pereira

MA Candidate
April Pereira
Location: PAS 4211

Supervisor: Risko, E.

Krista Quinn

PhD Candidate
Krista Quinn
Location: PAS 3041

Ami Rints

PhD Candidate

Supervisor - McAuley, T.

Jessica Ross

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 3240H

Supervisor - Scholer, A.

Candice Rubie

PhD Candidate
Candice Rubie
Location: PAS 3041

Carla Rumeo

MA Candidate
Carla Rumeo
Location: PAS 3201

Supervisor - Oakman, J.

Adrian Berk Safati

PhD candidate
Location: PAS 2238

Supervisor - Smilek, D.

Julianna Salvatierra

PhD Candidate
Julianna Salvatierra
Location: PAS 4211

Supervisor - Risko, E.

Julia Schirmeister

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 2261

Supervisor - Britt, A.

Claudia Sehl

PhD Candidate
Claudia Sehl
Location: PAS 4022

Supervisor: Denison, S. and Friedman, O.

Jenessa Shaw

MA Candidate
Location: PAS 3201

Supervisor - Kelly, A.

Emily Shiu

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4007

Supervisor - White, K.

James Siklos-Whillans

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 2248

Supervisor: Itier, R.

Yadurshana Sivashankar

Ph.D. Candidate
Location: PAS 4043

Supervisor: Fernandes, M.

Jackson Smith

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 3213

Supervisor: Browne, D.

Jatheesh Srikantharajah

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 2261

Supervisor - Ellard, C.

Kaiden Stewart

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4267

Supervisor - Fugelsang, J./ Risko, E.

Hamza Tariq

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4048

Zoe Tipper

PhD Candidate
519-888-4567 x33586
Location: PAS 4018

Supervisor - Friedman, O.

Sarah Towers

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 4237

Supervisor: Beck, J.

Sophia Tran

PhD Candidate
Sophia Tran
Location: PAS 4043

Supervisor: Fernandes, M.

Jessica Trickey

PhD Candidate

Chantal Trudel

PhD Candidate
Chantal Trudel
Location: PAS 2245

Simrat Tung

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 3035

Alanna Valcke

PhD Candidate

Supervisor - Nilsen, L.

Leanne Varey

PhD Candidate
Leanne Varey
Location: PAS 4212

Supervisor - White, K.

Vanja Vidovic

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 3286

Supervisor - Moscovitch, D.

Fatima Wasif

MA Candidate
Location: PAS 3202

Supervisor - McAuley, T.

Kendra Wasson

PhD candidate
Kendra Wasson
Location: PAS 3284

Supervisor - Rehman, U.

Neil Wegenschimmel

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 3045

Seth Winward

PhD Candidate
Location: PAS 2237

Supervisor - Itier, R.

Jasmine Zhang

Ph.D. Candidate
Jasmine Zhang
Location: PAS 3202

Supervisor - Browne, D.