Research Talks
Tackling the global tobacco epidemic: The ITC Project

Many psychologists, philosophers, and laypeople believe that empathy is necessary for moral judgment and moral action—the only problem with empathy is that we sometimes don’t have enough of it.
Major historical shifts in the institution of marriage in America have produced two major consequences. First, the quality of average marriages has weakened over time. Second, the quality of the best marriages has strengthened over time. In tandem, these two consequences have pushed marriage toward an all-or-nothing state.
Why Good is More Alike than Bad: Implications for Classification, Generalization, Recognition, Social Comparison and Evaluation
Dr. Nira Liberman
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Construal Level Theory: An overview and some applications to learning
This year’s speaker will be Dr. John G. Holmes from the University of Waterloo.
The Structure of Interdependence Shapes Cognition in Relationships
Speaker: Dr. Candice Monson, Ryerson University
Title: Cognitive-Behavioral Conjoint Therapy for PTSD and Enhancing Relationships
Location: PAS 2083
Reception to follow in PAS 3005