In 2020, smoking varied significantly by age group:10 prevalence was lowest among youth aged 15-19, and highest among adults aged 45-54 and aged 55 and older (Figure 1.6).
Between 1999 and 2020, overall prevalence decreased in every age group, though to varying degrees (Figure 1.7). The steepest declines were observed in the youngest groups, ages 15-19 and 20-24; in 2020, estimates for these groups were at their lowest since monitoring began.
Declines were less marked among older age groups, and more variable from year to year. Among those aged 55 and older, there was little net change over the last 15 years.
When examining differences between age groups and over time using repeat cross-sectional data such as this, consider that some of the differences between age groups could also be due to cohort effects (as well as age effects), in addition to changes over time.