In 2018-19, one in 20 students in grades 7-9 reported having ever smoked a cigar or cigarillo (Figure 9.1). Fewer reported having used a waterpipe (2.8%) or smokeless tobacco product (2.1%).
Between 2016-17 and 2018-19, there were no significant changes in ever use of cigars/cigarillos47 or waterpipe48 among students in grades 7-9, but ever use of smokeless tobacco increased.49 As shown in Figure 9.2, ever use of cigars/cigarillos and smokeless tobacco both dropped substantially in the decade after 1994; cigar/cigarillo use continued to decrease after 2008-09, while smokeless remained low. Pipe use and waterpipe use remained relatively low in all years measured.
NOTE: CSTADS 2018-19 asked past 30-day frequency of use of each product; options indicating ever use were grouped (vs. “I have never tried”). CSTADS 2014-15 and 2016-17 asked about ever use of each product (yes/no), and previous years asked in a “check all that apply” format. Estimates may not be comparable over time.