Ever use of e-cigarettes was significantly more prevalent among males, at 19.5% (3.0 million), compared to 13.7% of females (2.2 million) (Figure 11.2).65
Similarly, e-cigarette use in the past 30 days was significantly more prevalent among males (5.7%) than females (3.6%),66 as was daily use of e-cigarettes,67 which was 2.9% among males compared to 1.7% of females (Figure 11.2).
However, the magnitude of differences between males and females appeared to vary by age group.

Frequency of e-cigarette use among males and females
In 2020, among past 30-day vapers, males reported using e-cigarettes with nicotine on a significantly greater mean number of days in the past 30 (17.3 days)a, compared to females (13.6 days)b.68
95% confidence intervals for in-text estimates
a: 17.3 [15.3-19.3]
b: 13.6 [10.8-16.4]