E-cigarette use by province

Bar chart showing prevalence of ever, past 30-day, and daily/almost daily use of e-cigarettes, by province, from 2018 to 2019. Trends described in text. Data table below with 95% confidence intervals.

Among students in grades 7-9, prevalence of ever trying e-cigarettes and of using them in the past 30-day varied significantly by province,153,154 and were lowest in Ontario (15.7% ever, 7.6% past 30-day) and highest in Saskatchewan (33.1% ever, 18.0% past 30-day) (Figure 12.4).

Daily or almost daily use of e-cigarettes also varied significantly by province,155 again lowest in Ontario (1.9%), but greatest in Newfoundland & Labrador and New Brunswick (5.9% and 5.5%, respectively).

Figure 12.4 Data table with 95% confidence intervals

Figure 12.4: Prevalence (%) of ever, past 30-day, and daily/almost daily use of e-cigarettes, by province, 2018-19
Province Ever use Past 30-day use Daily/almost daily use
Saskatchewan 33.1 [26.9-39.3] 18.0 [13.6-22.4] 4.9 [3.9-6.0]
Newfoundland & Labrador 31.7 [28.4-34.9] 17.0 [13.7-20.3] 5.9 [4.0-7.9]
British Columbia 25.0 [20.1-29.8] 15.4 [11.3-19.4] 4.7 [3.0-6.3]
Quebec 25.0 [20.9-29.1] 13.5 [10.5-16.4] 3.9 [2.4-5.3]
Nova Scotia 25.0 [23.1-27.0] 12.4 [10.5-14.4] 3.6 [2.4-4.8]
New Brunswick 24.0 [21.6-26.4] 14.4 [12.4-16.5] 5.5 [4.1-6.9]
Prince Edward Island 23.0 [20.0-26.0] 13.7 [11.5-16.0] 4.9 [3.8-6.0]
Manitoba 21.4 [15.4-27.5] 12.4 [8.8-16.1] 3.4 [1.9-4.9]
Canada 21.0 [18.9-23.1] 11.1 [9.7-12.5] 3.1 [2.6-3.6]
Alberta 20.9 [18.1-23.7] 9.8 [8.1-11.4] 2.5 [1.5-3.5]
Ontario 15.7 [11.8-19.5] 7.6 [5.1-10.1] 1.9 [1.1-2.6]

Data source: Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey, 2018-19.

Between 2016-17 and 2018-19, estimates for ever use of e-cigarettes increased in all provinces, though to varying degrees (Table 12.1). Estimates for past 30-day use also appear to have increased sunstantially in all provinces with the exception of Nova Scotia.

Download Table_12_1_Ever_use_and_past_30_day_use_of_ecigarettes_by_province_grades_7_9.xlsx