Perceived risk was assessed by asking How much do you think people risk harming themselves when they do each of the following activities? for Use an e-cigarette once in a while and Use an e-cigarette on a regular basis (Figure 12.10).
Overall, the majority of students in grades 7-9 perceived slight or moderate risk of using e-cigarettes with nicotine once in a while, but moderate or great risk of regular use.
Significantly more ever-users of e-cigarettes perceived no risk of using e-cigarettes with nicotine once in a while (20.5%a) or on a regular basis (8.5%b), compared to never users (7.5%c and 5.4%d, respectively).169,170
Compared to e-cigarettes with nicotine, youth appeared to perceive using e-cigarettes withoutnicotine as having lower risk of harm (Figure 12.11).
Overall, the majority of students in grades 7-9 perceived no risk or slight risk of using e-cigarettes withoutnicotine once in a while, but slight or moderate risk of regular use.
Significantly more ever-users of e-cigarettes perceived no risk of using e-cigarettes withoutnicotine once in a while (52.7%e) or on a regular basis (31.0%f), compared to never users (23.1%g and 12.8%h, respectively).171,172