
Saskatchewan in 2020

  • Smoking prevalence: 11.2% (100 000 smokers), compared to 15.7% in 2019.
    • Males: estimate suppressed.
    • Females: estimate suppressed.
  • Average daily cigarette consumption: 12.0 cigarettes per day, compared to 9.3 in 2019.
  • Average price per pack (20 cigarettes): $13.50.

Smoking prevalence

In 2020, smoking prevalence in Saskatchewan was 11.2%, just above the national average of 10.3%.

Figure 2.9 shows smoking prevalence, overall and among males and females, in Saskatchewan from 1999-2020. Despite considerable year-to-year fluctuation, there has been a net decrease in overall prevalence during this time, and a general downward trend over the last decade. Throughout this time, prevalence was similar or somewhat greater among males than females in most years, although differences varied by year.

Line graph showing current smoking prevalence among males and females in Saskatchewan from 1999 to 2020. Trends described in text. Data table below with 95% confidence intervals.

Figure 2.9 data table with 95% confidence intervals

Figure 2.9: Current smoking prevalence* (%) among males and females, Saskatchewan, 1999-2020
  Saskatchewan Males Females
1999 25.9 27.3 24.5
2000 28.1 29.0 27.2
2001 25.4 [23.2-27.6] 25.6 [22.0-29.1] 25.2 [22.4-28.0]
2002 21.1 [18.9-23.4] 21.9 [18.1-25.6] 20.5 [17.7-23.2]
2003 24.1 [21.8-26.3] 25.4 [22.2-28.7] 22.8 [19.8-25.7]
2004 21.7 [19.5-24.0] 23.9 [20.8-27.0] 19.6 [16.8-22.4]
2005 22.0 [19.8-24.2] 22.3 [19.0-25.7] 21.7 [18.9-24.5]
2006 23.7 [21.5-25.9] 24.6 [21.3-28.0] 22.8 [19.9-25.7]
2007 24.0 [21.7-26.2] 26.4 [23.2-29.7] 21.6 [18.5-24.7]
2008 20.3 [18.3-22.4] 22.5 [19.3-25.7] 18.3 [15.8-20.7]
2009 22.3 [20.1-24.4] 24.6 [20.9-28.2] 20.0 [17.4-22.6]
2010 21.1 [19.0-23.3] 24.6 [21.0-28.3] 17.7 [15.2-20.2]
2011 19.2 [17.1-21.3] 21.6 [18.4-24.7] 16.9 [14.4-19.5]
2012 18.5 [16.4-20.1] 19.5 [16.2-22.8] 17.6 [14.7-20.5]
2013 17.6 [15.0-20.2] 16.4 [12.6-20.3] 18.7 [15.2-22.3]
2015 16.9 [14.4-19.4] 19.0 [15.2-22.9] 14.7 [11.8-17.7]
2017 17.8 [13.9-21.6] 17.6 [11.4-23.8] 18.0 [13.1-22.9]
2019 15.7 [11.7-19.7] ! 19.0 [12.9-25.1]
2020 11.2 [7.3-15.0] ! !

*Includes daily and non-daily smokers.
! Estimates for males in 2019, 2020 and females in 2020 suppressed due to unacceptable quality.
Data sources: Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, 1999-2012; Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey, 2013, 2015, 2017; Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey, 2019, 2020.

Figure2.10 shows smoking prevalence by age group in Saskatchewan, from 1999-2020. While data for the most recent years is not reportable for most age groups, the available data indicate a net decrease in prevalence within all age groups, although the most recent available data for youth and young adults suggest a stagnation or even reversal of the previously observed declines.

Figure 2.10 data table with 95% confidence intervals

Figure 2.10: Current smoking prevalence* (%) by age group, Saskatchewan, 1999-2020
  15-19 20-24 25-44 45+ Overall
1999 31.4 32.3 31.5 18.5 25.9
2000 24.1 36.4 36.7 20.2 28.1
2001 27.1 [23.0-31.2] 37.8 [32.2-43.4] 29.9 [25.5-34.3] 18.9 [16.0-21.8] 25.4 [23.2-27.6]
2002 29.0 [24.7-33.3] 34.3 [29.2-39.3] 25.6 [21.0-30.3] 13.4 [10.6-16.2] 21.1 [18.9-23.4]
2003 28.2 [23.8-32.7] 33.9 [28.8-38.9] 27.7 [23.1-32.2] 18.7 [15.8-21.5] 24.1 [21.8-26.3]
2004 24.7 [20.4-29.0] 28.9 [24.4-33.4] 28.1 [23.6-32.5] 15.1 [12.1-18.2] 21.7 [19.5-24.0]
2005 24.9 [20.7-29.0] 35.7 [30.7-40.8] 26.3 [21.8-30.8] 15.8 [12.9-18.8] 22.0 [19.8-24.2]
2006 20.8 [17.1-24.6] 31.2 [26.2-36.2] 30.1 [25.6-34.6] 18.6 [15.7-21.5] 23.7 [21.5-25.9]
2007 22.0 [17.6-26.3] 31.2 [25.6-36.9] 29.7 [24.7-34.6] 19.3 [16.4-22.1] 24.0 [21.7-26.2]
2008 20.0 [16.2-23.7] 27.0 [21.9-32.2] 23.1 [18.7-27.6] 17.4 [14.6-20.1] 20.3 [18.3-22.4]
2009 18.3 [14.5-22.1] 27.9 [22.9-32.8] 28.5 [23.4-33.5] 18.0 [14.9-21.1] 22.3 [20.1-24.4]
2010 20.3 [16.6-23.9] 25.1 [20.7-29.4] 24.6 [19.2-29.9] 18.4 [15.7-21.1] 21.1 [19.0-23.3]
2011 19.8 [15.8-23.8] 27.0 [21.7-32.4] 23.3 [18.3-28.3] 15.1 [12.3-17.8] 19.2 [17.1-21.3]
2012 20.2 [15.9-24.5] 25.1 [19.6-30.5] 19.2 [14.4-24.0] 16.6 [13.9-19.3] 18.5 [16.4-20.7]
2013 12.9 [8.1-17.1] 21.8 [15.5-28.0] 22.5 [16.1-28.8] 14.3 [11.5-17.0] 17.6 [15.0-20.2]
2015 13.7 [9.2-18.3] 24.3 [17.6-30.9] 18.8 [14.0-23.6] 14.8 [11.3-18.2] 16.9 [14.4-19.4]
2017 21.9 [12.0-31.8] 23.4 [15.7-31.0] ! 19.2 [13.1-25.4] 17.8 [13.9-21.6]
2019 ! ! ! 9.9 [6.0-13.9] 15.7 [11.7-19.7]
2020 ! ! ! ! 11.2 [7.3-15.0]

* Includes daily and non-daily smokers.
! Estimate suppressed due to unacceptable quality.
Data sources: Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, 1999-2012; Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey, 2013, 2015, 2017; Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey.

Cigarette consumption

Between 1999 and 2020, average daily cigarette consumption in Saskatchewan remained near 15 for many years, but appears to have declined over the last decade (Figure 2.11). Male smokers consumed considerably more cigarettes per day than females in nearly all years with available data.

Figure 2.11 data table with 95% confidence intervals

Figure 2.11: Average daily cigarette consumption* (mean cigarettes per day) among males and females, Saskatchewan, 1999-2020
  Saskatchewan Males Females
1999 16.0 16.9 14.8
2000 15.3 16.6 14.0
2001 16.1 [15.2-17.1] 17.4 [16.0-18.9] 14.8 [13.6-15.9]
2002 16.1 [14.3-17.9] 17.7 [14.6-20.7] 14.5 [12.8-16.2]
2003 16.0 [14.9-17.1] 17.8 [16.2-19.4] 13.8 [12.3-15.4]
2004 13.9 [13.0-14.8] 15.3 [13.9-16.8] 12.2 [11.1-13.2]
2005 14.1 [13.1-15.0] 16.2 [14.7-17.8] 12.1 [11.0-13.1]
2006 14.6 [13.6-15.7] 17.0 [15.4-18.6] 12.0 [10.8-13.1]
2007 13.9 [12.8-14.9] 16.2 [14.5-17.8] 11.6 [10.2-12.9]
2008 14.8 [13.6-15.9] 17.0 [15.2-18.8] 12.3 [11.1-13.5]
2009 14.4 [13.4-15.3] 15.8 [14.4-17.1] 12.8 [11.5-14.0]
2010 15.4 [14.0-16.8] 16.7 [14.8-18.7] 13.3 [11.5-15.1]
2011 14.8 [13.6-16.0] 16.7 [15.2-18.3] 12.1 [10.6-13.6]
2012 13.8 [12.5-15.0] 14.0 [12.3-15.7] 13.6 [11.8-15.3]
2013 13.7 [12.2-15.3] 15.8 [13.3-18.3] 11.9 [10.2-13.4]
2015 13.3 [11.8-14.8] 15.0 [12.6-17.4] 11.4 [9.9-12.8]
2017 13.1 [10.6-15.6] 17.0 [12.8-21.2] 10.1 [8.3-11.8]
2019 9.3 [7.7-10.9] ! 9.4 [7.9-10.8]
2020 12.0 [9.4-14.6] ! !

*Among daily smokers.
! Estimate for males in 2019, 2020 and females in 2020 suppressed due to unacceptable quality.
Data sources: Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, 1999-2012; Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey, 2013, 2015, 2017; Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey, 2019, 2020.