Quebec in 2020
- Smoking prevalence: 12.2% (837,000 smokers), compared to 12.5% in 2019.
- Males 14.5% (512,000 smokers).
- Females 10.0% (361,000 smokers).
- Average daily cigarette consumption 11.8 cigarettes per day, compared to 13.2 in 2019.
- Average price per pack (20 cigarettes): $10.23.
Smoking prevalence
In 2020, smoking prevalence in Quebec was 12.2%, above the national average of 10.3%.
Figure 2.18 shows smoking prevalence, overall and among males and females, in Quebec from 1999-2020. During this time, prevalence appeared to decline fairly steadily, and more steeply than in most other provinces. Prevalence was similar among males and females in many years, although males had higher smoking rates in some years, and recent estimates appear to be more variable.

Figure 2.19 shows smoking prevalence by age group in Quebec, from 1999-2020. While data for the most recent years is not reportable for youth aged 15-19 or young adults aged 20-24, the available data indicate large and steady decreases among these age groups up to 2017. Smoking prevalence also approximately halved between 1999 and 2020 among those aged 25-44 and aged 45 and older.

Cigarette consumption
Between 1999 and 2020, average daily cigarette consumption in Quebec decreased by more than 7 cigarettes, though there was little change for a number of years until the mid-2010s (Figure 2.20). During this time period, male smokers generally consumed 2-4 cigarettes more per day than female smokers.