All respondents were asked, “In your opinion, compared with cigarettes, how harmful to a person’s health are e-cigarettes or vaping devices with nicotine?”
Nearly one-third responded that they were about the same as cigarettes, and that they did not know, respectively, with the remainder split fairly evenly between responses that e-cigarettes were less and more harmful than cigarettes (Figure 11.37).
Responses were similar by smoking status, though it appears that slightly more never smokers responded with ‘about the same’ and ‘somewhat more harmful’ than cigarettes (Figure 11.38)

Responses were fairly similar between males and females, though females seemed to perceive slightly greater harm of e-cigarettes (Figure 11.39). There appeared to be some differences across age groups, with more older respondents reporting ‘don’t know’ and fewer ‘somewhat less harmful’ (Figure 11.40).