Ever smoking - Grades 7-9
In 2018-19, the majority (90.7%) of students surveyed in grades 7-9 had never tried smoking cigarettes, ranging from 94.6%a in grade 7 to 86.6%b in grade 9. However, 9.3% of students overall had tried smoking; Figure 6.1 provides a breakdown of the smoking status of these students.

In 2018-19, the percentages of male (9.1%c) and female (9.4%d) students in grades 7-9 who had tried smoking cigarettes were not significantly different.33
The overall percentage of students in grades 7-9 who had ever tried smoking dropped substantially between 1994 and 2002, and appears to have declined slowly since then; the slight increase in prevalence of ever smoking between 2016-17 and 2018-19 was not statistically significant34 (Figure 6.2). The percentage of students who had tried smoking a cigarette increased with grade level: in 2018-19, 5.4% of students in grade 7 had tried smoking, compared to 13.4% of grade 9 students.

The percentage of students in grades 7-9 who had ever tried smoking a cigarette varied significantly by province35 (Figure 6.3). For example, 4.4% of youth in Ontario had tried smoking, while more than quadruple that (19.8%) in Saskatchewan had tried.